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Men, do you agree with this quote from Christopher Hitchens?

During an interview, Hitchens said:

"Men need women and they don't like the fact that they need them. They have experienced disgust about this fact."

VictoriaNotes 9 Apr 2

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I’m afraid he is right. I don’t like it but I believe he is right


Since I'm gender fluid/bigender, etc. I used to switch back and forth between male and female perspectives. My female side is very independent and choosy..carefully perusing the men courting her for the one who gives her the best advantage.

For instance, he could be gorgeous, but if he is poor and uneducated, forget it.

But my male side is pathetically co-dependent..longing for a female "master" to tell him what to do and take over his life. This really annoyed my female gender mode side (left brain hemisphere), and before I took derris scandens, a Thai herb I accidentally discovered would stop dysphoria, and blend my genders, my female side used to boss my male side around, and even insult and run off any women hanging around.

I suppose if a man has some female traits, he'd feel uneasy and resentful over his dependence on women. Otherwise, most cis, hetero men don't seem to mind, or even notice it.

My Androgyny is all about giving sharing exploring and mating. ...I dream of being pregnant and breastfeeding but never being impregnated by any male. ...I am ever so glad women ask for my love and I'm very flattered gay men find me attractive of course I'd never pursue a lesbian. ...Hitch is so wrong about many things but 1000% correct about all faiths and alleged gawds. ...too bad Hitch never discovered the truth of Feminism defining our species. ...perhaps all those deadly Marlboros clouded over his fine points of humanity. ...patriarchy is inseparable from theocracy that usurps natural Feminist societies


Assuming that the man wants kids, yes he needs one. I've never wanted kids, I am self sufficient, besides needing emotional support from other people, but do I still need a woman? The evidence would point to yes. In general, assuming heterosexuality, men do need women. No men would be born if not for women so, in that sense, all people need a woman.

Have men experienced disgust about that? Hmmm, I don't think I have. Resentment perhaps over my lack of total self-sufficiency and the fact I seek relationships with women when life would be so much simpler if I were happy with just my dog and friends...

Have some men? I suppose so. Obviously his comment is a generalization and the second part is far more nebulous.


I don't agree that Judaism introduced the first monotheisatic God, but he is correct in his pronoucment on patriarchy. Equality is an ideal, but conservative values always stand in the way of rational progress. This is not to say all men are conservative though. There are always exceptions to generalities. It is notable that some women expect such attitudes, if not prefering them, especally the extremely religious ones.

jeffy Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

Hitchens spoke for himself and his own disgust of his “need” for women. So, I do not take his statement to apply to all men. I have never heard any man say that he is or was disgusted by his "need" for women.

Hitchens made sexist comments about women having no sense of humour and changed his mind just before his death. Hitchens was a polemicist who loved to score points. He changed his political stance with the convenience of a cameleon. Like all those who advocate war he was not in a hurry to pick a gun and make his way to the front line. I have never been a fan or supporter of Christopher Hitchens and I certainly would never consider to him to be of the same calibre as Bertrand Russell.

There was no mention of the good relationships that exist between many men and women.

As for Aristotle, I would not believe everything he wrote, like many others before and after him, he made some foolish statements. He said the women have more teeth than men but it never occurred to him to look into Mrs Aristotle's mouth and count her teeth.

Closed questions with a “yes” or “no” answer often produce a reaction and seldom elicit a constructive response and even less, a truthful one. However, if you are seeking an explanation as to whether or not Christopher Hitchin’s statement might be true within the context of ownership then you are going to have to dig much deeper. The answer may have something to do with the “reason” man has conquered and subjugated his fellow man and made them into slaves or scapegoats to justify various atrocities against them, mainly control.

Personally, like Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) "I would rather sit on the bank of a river than be emperor of the whole world".


No. Women don't disgust me at all. Nor am I disgusted by my need for women.


Yes to 'we need women, but no to feelings of disgust or hate because of that fact.♥


I think men need women and women need men, otherwise we would have a single gender in humanity. I love women. My mom was the first woman I had a relationship with and she was good to me all my life. She passed away in 2014 and still miss her. I am single now since my wife and I separated 2 yrs ago. I am a bit lonely at times but it is better to be alone than being in a sick relationship


Hitch can't speak for me or all men past and present, especially after he has been sipping jesus juice. 🙂 That was his opinion at the time. The video is not one of his best. He was a very entertaining fellow indeed!


I don't ever agree with blanket statements, but that may be true in general.

I know there were times when I felt like I needed someone, usually a quite specific someone, but I've never felt disgust due to that.

JimG Level 8 Apr 2, 2018

"I don't ever agree with blanket statements," I agree entirely with no exceptions 😉


Do men need women? Much in the same way that women need men. Or much in the same way that men need men or women need women? Have I ever been disgusted in myself for my need of women? No I have been dissapointed in myself over how I've acted in the dating scene but the biggest disappointments usually come from the people in the dating scene.


I think it is substantially true, especially of young men who feel the power of their body. Some older men accept it, some rebel, and some go crazy.


Men need intimacy or places to express their inner self and this makes them vulnerable but not necessarily disgusted with themselves.


You have messed up my godlike admiration for Christopher. I might hold a grudge just a little now. No, I have always loved and admired females. I in particular prefer the company of those that are more intelligent and better educated than myself. It is a joy there is no animosity what so ever. Now if a lady breaks down my almost idolized perceptions of a great thinker I might experience just a little disgust....keep up the good work!


I don't believe it's true for all men. I think with some women the same could be said of them not liking the fact that they need men.


So very true.


Yes, of course, men need women. Disgust? Only when she ends the relationship or otherwise asserts her dominance, and his "weakness," and dependence is can be a humiliating experience, especially if he's the patriarchal type with his ego invested in being dominant, and even more especially if it opens him up to ridicule by his macho buddies and extended support system. That's the only way I can see "disgust" creeping in.


I think at it's root it's genetic - men are biologically larger and stronger. They naturally used that difference to dominate.


I agreed with hitch when he was providing facts, when I understood them or had the chance to research them (eg mother Teresa). His opinions were just that, opinions. I don't remember that many of them (not directly flowing from the facts), actually. This one, not. I for one, have never felt disgust at wanting female company. And I would question "need", and I prefer "want".


well I certainly don't get disgusted but I would agree that men need women for a variety of reasons. Personally I enjoy the relationship both emotional and physical.


Men need women as much as women need men. The duality is for men and women to need nothing at all. However we are not Asexual beings. And to love thyself is to love another. If you truly need somone then you do not love them.

Etre Level 7 Apr 2, 2018

I think Hitchens meant that in a historical and global contexts


I like Hitchens, and there are indeed a lot of great, witty, and true things he said... but he wasn't right about everything, all the time (who is?). I'd imagine this was true of himself and some men (probably a sizeable minority), but not all. It's not true for most gay or bi men.




lerlo Level 8 Sep 12, 2018
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