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HippieChick58 9 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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We've had several major events every year and one is the Great Islands Clean-Up. Of course everything is cancelled but we have found ways to still get involved. A new FB group Lopez Island Community Board (I suspect it is the same for the other islands as well) has formed to disseminate info. Many people have taken to walking and it is recommended they take a bag and pick up trash on their walks. Zoom has now become a medium for use and many gatherings are being held using this. We don't really have any overt religious groups so most things are done sans religious identification.

Besides, after a couple of weeks of sun it has now started to rain so most events would have been cancelled anyway.


Thanks for posting this!


Nice! Theres something I can do over the internet for The Humanist Society in Mesa. I'm living up in the mountains and canyons where ain't got nothin that's not a 2hr drive.

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