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The Big Bounce: nothing 'created' the's always been here, always will be here.

Storm1752 8 Apr 22

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Well we do not know that is true in some sinces. We do not know what existed before or what caused it to happen. Interestingly it is also very true as time did not exist as we know it before our universe began, so it in that since time has existed as long as the universe so it could be said that it has always existed. As far as asserting that it will always be here it will until it no longer exist and there is therefore no time.


The concept of creation might be meaningless. According to many physicists time and space do not exist except as illusions.

If true that knocks in the head a lot of our ways of thinking about reality. Creation, location, speed, causality, etc. might be classed as artificial symbolic creations of our brains.

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