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Only 1 in 50 catholics can ace this religious test. Can you?


Mcflewster 8 Apr 23

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There is a lot of psychology hidden in these results. Or perhaps the lord IS at work


Has anyone scored less than 100%?
I quit Catholicism in 1957, guessed at several, and scored 100%
In the OED, the word “apostate” derives from ancient Greek for “runaway slave”.
The test is an attempt by the church to bring runaway slaves back.
It appears intended to bring women back.


Makes yo think what possible advantage does knowing these facts give to anyone? I believe that it does help one to counter religions and eventually get rid of them. Richard Dawkins and other top people have a lot of rekigious knowledge for that purpose. More talk is needed about getting rid of religion entirely.


Soon as I determine a motive in taking the test 😎😎.

Have fun . It is as easy as throwing a ring!


I scored 100% too and was never a catholic


I was never Catholic, but I scored 100% by guessing on a few questions.


100% sadly to say. I guess I had been fully brainwashed.


Yep 100%, about average for atheists, I would think. LOL


I got 100%... But I guessed and used common sense on most...

Before Easter
After Christmas

These questions, I totally guessed...

I guessed before xmas and scored 100%.


100%. Seems strange the Catholic score is low!

It is strange, isn't it? It's like they spend time TRYING not to learn.


The closest I have been to being Catholic was my not very observant Catholic girlfreind ( we rarely even mentioned it). But I am evidently 100% Catholic! This is going to be bad for my athiest YouTube channel!


"Way to go! This quiz was tricky, you've proven yourself to be a true Catholic scholar today! From Catholic terminology to Bible stories, you know it all! You probably went to a Catholic School growing up and will always carry those lessons with you. Great job!"

Well, dang! I wasn't even raised Catholic!

No not a catholic either, but most schools in the England are Church of England, and it was drummed into us.

@Fernapple I got a little of the info from history class, and a lot from non-Catholic church (my church had a weird - almost pathological - fascination with Catholics.)

@AmyTheBruce C of E is very like that, but perhaps in the oposite way, they sometimes talk about joining up again.


100% but i'm not catholic by any means, and never have been and never will be.

Word Level 8 Apr 23, 2020
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