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LINK GOP Lawmaker Who Promotes ‘Biblical Law’ Caught Planning Violent Attacks | Michael Stone

This is a bit scarier for me because I live in WA. A bit too close to home to feel comfortable.

snytiger6 9 Apr 23

Enjoy being online again!

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What the hell??? And what are people saying about this? "Biblical law"???


Do you remember "The Order"? This is becoming KKK country.


These boneheads are in Spokane. That idiot probably knows my old boss, who was a religious fanatic and a kkk supporter. I lost my job because they didn't like my race, religion or politics.


All males? So he wants the girls for himself? Hmm, nothing wrong there.


Lets see. He is a church nut that gets a tax exemption. His salary is paid for by the taxpayers, and he wants to attack and kill atheists. Hmm. Nothing wrong here.


Runs in the GOP veins

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 23, 2020

Seems like he wasn't even trying to hide. Phew...

I had that same thought....he's blatant!


Douchier than the usual douchebag conservative.

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