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[] Are you confused by others actions????????

sassygirl3869 9 Apr 29

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Not anymore, I used to be, in time I have learned the actions of most are governed purely by self interest.
In the case of Politicians they can and will hold several conflicting opinions in order to appeal to the maximum amount of voters.
In the case of Joe or Joan public they will hold the opinion they have been told to hold by their preferred news or information source, in order to be spared the toil of actually thinking about things and having to make decision they will be held responsible for.
In the case of the media they will choose a demographic to appeal to, in the sure knowledge that those people will support them with purchases, because they are agree with the actions and opinions put forth and be reassured.
In the case of the intelligentsia, 50% will base their opinions of facts and evidence, 50% will base their opinions on who is paying them to hold those points of view.
In the case of economists opinions will be held in accordance with free market trends and expediency.
The exception that proves the rule is
In the case of socialist hippy weirdos, intellectuals and artists their actions and opinions will often be in concordance with the truth, facts and universal well being.
These people are considered highly dangerous, completely out of touch and usually end up dead or in prison for the preservation of the status quo


Little surprises me at this point when it comes to Republicans and Evangelicals hypocrisy. It is constant, and never ending.


Not often, no.


I certainly am lately.

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