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Should periodicity be a component of lifting Covid-19 restrictions?

From what I understand, in most cases, symptoms show within two weeks of infection. It makes me wonder if perhaps lifting restrictions shouldn't be done gradually starting with one day every two weeks, for some amount of time. At least 4 weeks. Then maybe either 2 days every 2 weeks, or 1 day each week. This would be in addition to other measures.

One of the main reasons for all the restrictions was in order to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed. This should still be a goal as restrictions are lifted, and I don't think that can be done without introducing a periodic lifting and then re-imposition of restrictions, mainly due to that two week lag time for the effects of new infections to show up.

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bingst 8 Apr 29

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i see your point, but wouldn't that be near impossible to track well (the results i mean). And it kinda makes it tough for a society to follow. its too much a teaser. just my initial gut.

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