"Someday, I’m going to die.
"This, I grudgingly accept. I have no idea how it’s going to happen. Maybe I will die of having a tree fall on me, of eating tainted shellfish, or of being struck by lightning. But this much I guarantee. I will not die of having wagered my life that TV carnival barkers, political halfwits and MAGA-hat-wearing geniuses know more than experts with R.N.s, M.D.s, and Ph.D.s after their names."
"Not that there aren't plenty of opportunities to do so. Indeed, in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and the question of when and how the nation's economy should be reopened, we seem to have tapped the U.S. Strategic Stupid Reserve. "
Good short well written article. I like it that some of the anti shut down people were quoting the stat. about cars.
" Meantime, there's Dr. Phil, opining on Fox "News" that "45,000 people a year die from automobile accidents,"
Well that must have been a few days ago, because it has already gone way past that, and still counting.