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A little late here, but Happy Mother's Day to all!


Happy Mother's Day

.... and also all other days in advance.

We are people of reason and we blame religious for believing in mumbo-jumbo. But why ask should we celebrate and give gifts to enrich the businesses? We have 45 other occasions in the year and spend on chocolates, gifts and manusha.


  1. Trivia Day
  2. Appreciate a Dragon Day
  3. National Kazoo Day

4. Valentine's Day
5. Read in the Bathtub Day
6. World Thinking Day
7. Tell a Fairy Tale Day

8. St. Patrick's Day
9. National Pi Day
10. World Meteorology Day
11. Tolkien Reading Day

11. April Fool's Day
12. National Library Day
13. Scrabble Day
14. Richter Scale Day

15. Mother's Day
16. Mother Goose Day
17. Memorial Day
18. Nerd or Geek Pride Day
19. Buy a Musical Instrument Day

20. Father's Day
21. Drawing or Pencil Day
22. Camera Day

23. International Joke Day
24. Video Games Day
25. Spoonerism Day

26. Book Lover's Day
27. Poet's Day
28. Aviation Day

29. Punctuation Day
30. Talk Like a Pirate Day
31. Classical Music Moth

32. Halloween
33. Curious Events Day
34. Moment of Frustration Day

35. Thanksgiving
36. Sarcastic Month
37. Chemistry Week
38. National Children's Non-Fiction Day
40. Hanukkah
41. I Love to Write Day
42. Look for Circles Day

43. Look on the Brightside Day
44. Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day
45. Card Playing Day
46. Christmas

I was born on Poet's Day and I am a Poet.... How about that!!!!!! My son was born in a date that often enough falls on Mothers Day and he is a Mama's Boy.... Cool, way to go Son!!!


I went to my son's for Mother's day. He made lunch. Pasta with prawns and garlic and of course there was a nice present too.

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