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POLL Most Americans Would Opt For Coronavirus Vaccine, But Some Are Wary

Lets Say a Vaccine for Covid-19 was announced.
Would you be willing to take it?

( My Response)

I absolutely would Not Take it!
Being a health care professional, i am at a much higher risk of contracting Covid 19 because some of the patients at my facility that i see daily, Have Covid 19.

With that being said, i would not take the vaccine because we are understandably at a panic to find such a vaccine to the point where safety side affects could be overlooked, and insufficient amounts of clinical trial data would likely not have been captured due to
the rush.

I would rather put my money on contracting Covid 19 and hopefully making a full recovery.

Would you Take a Covid 19 vaccine if it Became Available?

  • 2 votes
  • 6 votes
  • 1 vote
twshield 8 May 12

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You devised the poll with too few choices.

A vaccine will have been tested and found effective long before I'm near the front of the line, so when I'm there I will accept it.


Tim, I'm a retired computer person. I had already searched for and read how infected people described their experience. I would have checked either "No. first in line," or "Yes, middle of line."
BTW, I've made my DNR choice real clear.


Only vaccines I have had was when I was kid in school and that was not a matter of choice back then but that was it. Not planning on getting any shots for anything at this time.


Having worked in veterinary vaccine development, I have seen a few vaccines, including corona vaccines, prove unsafe in that upon natural subsequent exposure, the resulting disease was WORSE in vaccinates. The immune response worsened inflammation, rather than prevented infection. I will watch how others roll with later exposure before getting the vaccine myself, or for my kids. Once it’s proven safe and effective, I will gladly get it.

Zster Level 8 May 13, 2020

As a health care provider, I absolutely would. I do share your concern about the current corner cutting atmosphere with medical standards throughout this, and if they came out with a vaccine tomorrow, I'd be very leary. But that's not happening. It's going to take the time it takes. Is there a chance of it being rushed to the population due to pandemic status, yes, but even that would not happen until safety in healthy people has been established. At that point, considering the pandemic status, the benefits outweigh the risks.

@twshield every single engagement in the healthcare system, from medications to invasive procedures comes with some risk. I've worked with cancer patients for over a decade. I'm not disagreeing with your statement that some treatments may (or may not) cause secondary problems down the road. Simiarly, organ transplant patients take lifetime meds to keep from rejecting their donor organs, that also destroy the kidneys over the long term. The key point to both situations is that having a life to live long enough to risk a possible long term secondary side effect of treatment for such conditions is textbook risks and benefits, and patients tend to overwhelming choose a life long enough to risk the possible long term side effects. Under global pandemic conditions that are very realistically threatening all of our lives, either physically, financially, or as we once knew them, I still say the benefits would outweigh the risk. Again, clarifying that it's not some obvious quack rush job and safety in healthy people has been well evaluated.

@twshield oh, yes, as I initially stated, I certainly share your concern regarding all the corner cutting that has become the acceptable new norm. I strongly disagree with there being any wisdom in that. Thank the cosmos for Dr Fauci is all I can say. I would never support a rush job on a vaccine. With a rush job, the risks well may outweigh the benefits.

@twshield Agreed!


If it is not a rush job, yes.


I'm not quick enough to be first in line, but I will definitely take it when it becomes available.

skado Level 9 May 12, 2020

i would but the virus is probably a death sentence for me because of some of those underlying health conditions.

@twshield true. this administration is not to be trusted.

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