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You Gotta Love Former Senator Clare McCaskill

She just stated in an interview,
She was walking pass some protesters wanting the country back open, and she ask one of them.
"Hey, why aren't you wearing a mask? Aren't you afraid of catching Covid-19?"
She said the protester responded,
"No cause God Will Protect Me from Coronavirus"
Then the protester walked away, with am AR-15 strapped to his shoulder!
She Rolled her eyes as she walked away LOL.

I guess Faith only works on disease and not personal safety.....

twshield 8 May 13

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Definitely a shot in the foot on this one. Elected officials need to understand that while they may be passionate about liberties and freedoms its important to also emphasize personal responsibility and reasonable decision making during this pandemic.

And some people wonder why politicians don't take science seriously.


Why the AR-15? Ask and he may tell you one bullet can take out a lot of viruses (or is that viri?)


she is great I watch her all the time smart lady


Someone really ought to do a deep psychological study on the conservative, Trump voting brain. It would be fascinating and maddening in equal measure.


I copied (stole) and posted that on Facebook. The point was too well made not to spread it around a bit.


This seems typical. On Facebook this morning I saw a pic of 5 guys with their guns and something about their right to have them. OK, what makes you want to have your pic taken while holding your guns?

insecure about manhood


But what should she have said as he walked away? Answers on a postcard to.....


Have you seen those photoshopped pics where the guns have been swapped for large sex toys? They’re very amusing 😊

@SeaGreenEyez I hope you’re not being sarcastic because here they are, don’t have the original source, I copied and pasted from a friend’s post.


You can't reason with these folks. And if you ask why God didn't protect all those grandparents who were just as strong believers as him, he wouldn't be able to answer, but would his eyes would smolder as he walked away.


Another believer n "God as our heavenly babysitter"... you'd think that by now they would have figured out that even if there is a God, he/she/it doesn't protect and babysit, deal with your own problems.


Religious belief is about me and mine and screw everybody else.

Wish it was. The reach of religious people's thinking into the minds of your 'mines' is frightening not necessarily in spoken words but in influence.


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 May 13, 2020

Idiocy is among us!!!


Just rolled her eyes and walked away? How's that for a bold and stand-up leader? How's she fighting for us? by walking away?

What are you admiring here exactly?

@maturin1919 Confronted the bastards to say the least. if we adore lousy actions of our leaders, what is the difference between us and Trump supporters?

@maturin1919 not true, lol

I state facts that you don't like. Admiring a leader who puts tail bewteen legs and walks away is a coward, not a leader.

Stating facts is obsessive? And not remembering our mistakes is ok? What makes Bernie's blunders forgivable? How much of people's money and efforts were wasted on this candidate who had a zero chance to even get the nomination? It was all hype and it has done a tremendous damage to the Democratic Party. We are labeled as socialists.. thanks to Bernie's ranting against the millionaires and billionaires. This is one of the richest countries and voters will never accept this ranting against successful which include great philanthropists. Bernie thought a tempest in a teapot in Vermont, a few frustrated Occupy-Wall-Streeters and money raised from hard working Americans were going to create a nationwide revolution. Lol. Everything from the start was laughable. A 78 year old man after a heart attack, talks making country socialist, had a communist past, is hunchback, no charisma, is Jewish knowing fully well that this country did not even elect a Mormon (their own variety) telling people that he wanted to be president was a joke. Peter Buttigieg was a much better, attractive, experienced, better oratory candidate but his demographics killed him. If we do not know what where the country's voters are, we will keep losing. If we keep condoning lousy candidates like Bernie, Dukasis and others, we will not have our yardstick for good candidates right. Many Democratic-leaning moderates, independents voted for Trump in 2016 exactly because Hillary turned them off with her lying, lack of charisma and showing off her sense of entitlement to Presidency.

I calling out Bernie is not too much. It is much less than what Bernie deserves. We must reject these rogue candidates outright and at the start. His damage to our cause is permanent. Trump will be re-elected in 2020 after our chaos.

You were admiring Clare McCaskill in an example describing her taking shit from protesters and walking away quietly. How was that great? Who likes a leader like that? You want to see whose response to admire? Watch Ex-Senator Bareny Frank in his town hall....

Not correct. Most Americans are not crazy as Bernie was. Bernie thought being President was a fairy tale. Immature for a 78 year old, don't you think?

I am suggesting you don't praise a lame response. Putting your tail and walking away is not an admirable response. If you want to give an admirable leadership example, choose a better one next time. You don't have to combative. There are many good possibilities between walking away lamely and giving a fitting response. It could be just a good, non-combative response. But you felt it was admirable. No, being civilized does not mean taking shit, being lame and walking away. That is how we make lousy heroes.

I hope you understand the context of my first comment.

Our problem is we choose lousy heroes. That's how we were voting for Dukakis, Tsongas, Bernie for president, kept old and uninspiring wood like Harry Reid, Pelosi in office and now you are admiring lame response of McCaskill while there is absolutely nothing admirable in her action. I am embarrassed as a Democrat by her action.

@twshield You bet I would if was a senator and would do better if I have admirers like you when I do nothing.

She's no longer in politics, working for NBC/MSNBC as a political analyst. Not in the best position to lead.

@twshield I would. Most of them wouldn't know how to actually use it.

At least don't adore stupid, coward actions and make them heroes.

I am trying to stop non-sense of worthless people worshiping that you are doing. But you are not getting the point.


I was expecting a more spicy retort than a mere eye rolling.


We praise our leaders, no matter how lame. Conservatives praise their leaders, no matter how bad. That's the way it will be. Only 5% in the middle decide the election outcomes.

This is the same place that was celebrating a candidate like Bernie. I don't put much stock in it.

I suppose any negativity towards religion/stupidity from a senator is a "win".....just a crumb. Feast on it !

What would you have said to a guy carrying an AK47?

No because he is the center of our stupidity.

@maturin1919, @twshield

We are talking about Bernie because he is a shining example of how we choose lousy heroes. If we did it two times in a row, we will do it again. That is the worry.

No, I won by calling out Benie first. Remember that. Dont forget.

There is no need to hate Bernie. His implosion happened because he is good at it. 6 years of practice.

@St-Sinner I do not see Bernie's ideas as lame or ignorant but, otherwise, we have much agreement in political philosophy. As a Zen Taoist I'm unsure there is an ideal political philosophy. There are principles society can adopt that increase opportunity and likelihood of sustaining health but happiness is individual. Bernie's philosophy is on the right track but it's not the end-all to happiness or conflict. Only Tao can produce that.
Clare rolls her eyes at Bernie, too.


I would NOT want to get into a debate with that woman -- because I would lose for sure! 🙂

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