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If this universe is fine- tuned....
What would a non-fine tuned universe look Like?

Ramone 5 May 13

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Non-fine turned might look rough tuned?

Word Level 8 May 14, 2020

This post was fine-tuned to inform you that fine tuning arguments are self fulfilling prophecies, not arguments.

EVERY universe in which one would find oneself would contain life that had optimized for that universe via natural selection. To every being in every such universe, that universe would appear "fine tuned" for a sufficiently sloppy thinker.

For every universe where natural selection didn't succeed in that optimization, there'd be no one to ask the question to begin with. Or the universe itself would be unsustainable / unstable and life would not even exist or the universe would not survive.

It comes back to the illustration of the puddle exulting that the hole the puddle exists in is "fine tuned" to its shape.


It is a stupid, senseless phrase.


I don't know, but there would not be many people about to look at it.

That may seem flip, but the point is, that for all we know, there may be infinite universes, many of which are not fine tuned but they will be empty or short lived. It would only be in the fine tuned ones that anyone would exist to ask the question. It is like asking after a ship wreck. How come all the survivers were in the one lifeboat that did not sink.

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