Supremely FAULTY State Supreme Court decision in WI! Have any other states' Supreme Court's made any covid related decisions as bad as this?
The State of WI has habitually been trying to undermine the Governor since before he even took office. [] It is quite obvious that what Gov Evers says is true "an attack on the will of the people, our democracy, and our system of government.”
Republicans so quick to undermine the leadership of the Governor offer no leadership in its stead as they have come up with NO PLAN to manage the covid threat statewide. And while the court is quick to make the public vote in public places when the pandemic is roaring, and shut down the Governor's ability to manage the public health crisis they themselves must hypocritically wish to keep THEMSELVES safe "While much of the state can now open up, the court system overseen by the justices will not for the time being. They have suspended jury trials and in-person court hearings because of the dangers of COVID-19 and they held arguments over the stay-at-home order virtually to make sure they stayed away from others." Yes, we must make sure the Justices are safe and healthy because who ELSE will make sure the rest of the state IS NOT?!
Hypocrisy by people in high office like the state court? I am shocked, shocked I say.....
Maybe this type of stuff is commonplace, but everytime it occurs it is not less wrong. The government is constantly lacking stable, wise and appropriate leadership in this pandemic whether it's through expropriation as is seen in this instance or in feigned delegation as we see at the federal level, and who suffers for it? The citizens.
...there’s a lot of time between now & November.. Republicans have been riding high for some time … perhaps, with the nation awake.. that will end.
Good luck with "awake". They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it and his faithful are completely comatose!
@prometheus This Pandemic has awoken most.. But the general question in the US is, how bad must it get before enough see past the (Republican/ Industrialist’s) BS and vote right. I’d say, they’re ready ~
@Varn Just came across some commentator online referring to Gov as Emperor Evers and MI Gov as Empress Whitmer. It seems unfair to lump two together in a negative way like that. Gov Evers has been doing a great job and was in process of slowly reopening. I haven't followed MI Gov as much, but I did think part of her stay at home order was unreasonable.
@Flowerwall Much of the pandemic advice has been a close call… think I heard/ read it best described (in some meme) that the best result would read something like - ‘we really overreacted!’ As in, fewer deaths until this could be better understood would be a win, if perhaps criticized forever ~
Keeping an eye on my home state of OR, Governor Kate Brown’s taken some crap too for locking it down hard. But - with very close ties to the Orient, it’s now ‘sitting pretty’ in comparison to it’s west coast neighbors..
Now in VA, my new Gov (Northam), a Dr., is doing well. And, we remain as ‘liberated’ as ever
@Varn Right this is similar to what was said in this video. As commentator mockingly calls Emperor Evers than says "only 434 deaths in the state". Well yeah, that means he did a GOOD JOB and should be commended! Not mocked by online commentators and undermined by Supreme Court of WI. Glad to hear the two states you mentioned did well. My former home state is 3 highest in the nation in case count, IL.
DAMMIT, Flower! What kind of protests are going on? What're people planning? GOOD LUCK!
From what I hear as soon as the verdict was given everyone headed out to the bars to get drunk. (Our state has a drinking problem and ranks among the nation's 10 highest for drunk driving, see below) [] I hope no bar patrons were infected with covid as they could have infected a large group of others and I know for a fact virus can be transmitted this way. But our Justices and Republican lawmakers here are pleased with the chaos and absence of leadership they created.