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LINK Senate Votes to Allow FBI to Look at Your Web Browsing History Without a Warrant - VICE

It seems the republican party has become the fascist party.

snytiger6 9 May 14

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If only Obama would have struck this damn bill down in the first place this would probably not be an issue.


That's so many levels of wrong, but Repubs and the nimrod in Oval Office don't give a fuck.


Private windows / "incognito mode" is a solution, as RoboGraham pointed out. Also, I'm experimenting with replacing my ad blocker with Privacy Badger from the EFF. It tracks 3rd party URLs and if they are holding cookies across more than 3 sites, it blocks that content from loading -- from the perspective of those sites, you just disappear. This works for ads, but also for tracking pixels and the like. The idea is to eliminate cross-site tracking.

The other thing I'm going to mess with is the Tor browser. Tor is slow, but I have gigabit ethernet so I probably won't notice. Probably can't use it for everything but should reduce my footprint.

There's something called HTTPS tunneling that might be outside my expertise or patience, but I'm going to look at that also.

I should hasten to add, none of this is to cover up any nefarious activity; it is just that the scope of what the government, now or in the future, might regard as nefarious is going to increase until everyone has something to hide. It's just a night-follows-day progression at this point.

As a final step I may just have to stop posting anything anti-guv-mint on sites like this, or anything that exposes my unapproved ideologies, which ultimately means no more posting on atheist-associated sites. That day is, I fear, fast approaching.

If we allow fear of them to prevent us from criticizing them, they win.

@RoboGraham There are ways to oppose them without making it easy for them to harass me. I don't need to overtly discuss my atheism to take political action. I don't have to make my online activity easy to trace or connect dots. The other thing in play is I'm old and increasingly not well so at some point it may make the most sense for me personally to just be left alone and pass the baton to others. Not there yet though and not giving up easily.


That's sensible.

I'm going to be real and if there is a problem with that, so be it.

@RoboGraham I'm pleasantly surprised with the Tor browser. It's basically a fork of FireFox and it Just Works. There is some minor delay particularly when first accessing a new site as it seeks a circuit through several European or Canadian servers but at least on gigabit ethernet it's entirely acceptable. The only side effect on this site that I've noticed is that as you view each of My Alerts they don't seem to understand they've been visited & so don't change color. But that feature has always been flaky even in a normal browser.


I use private browsing windows for my nefarious activities so I think I'm in the clear.

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