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Are you a "touchy-feely" person? How about your family?

I'm a bit standoffish with acquantinces. But, with people I know very well, I do touch and hug a lot.

One side of my family does a lot of hugging and touching. The other side, not at all.

How about you?

silvereyes 8 Apr 3

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Only with the people that I have accepted. Everyone else needs to keep their distance.


I am affectionate with my husband and sons, but not much of anyone else.


There is a lot of hugging with some of my friends, and others who I rarely even shake hands with. I am fully comfortable in either situation


When one off my daughters married, his family pointed out they see each other multiple times a week, ate meals together weekly, and camp, play, and sometimes work together all the time. They didnt understand how my family didn't. I replied that my family talks together almost daily via technology, usually greet each other with a hug and kiss, and always end visits with a kiss and hug. I don't understand how their family doesn't. Each family's show of love is to his/her own. Anybody can get together every day or so; only worthy ones get a kiss and hug from my family.


no hate it


no hate it


Only with my wife.


I would occasionally hug family and relatives, and sometimes kiss female family and relatives on the cheek. I will shake hands with little or no hesitation, but I only occasionally make physical contact with other people. I'm not very emotionally demonstrative physically. However, in a case of sadness, loss or tragedy of others, I will hug.


i hugged and kissed my mother and grandparents and older aunts etc. it's ok to hug a friend as long as they know how to take a shower regularly. don't really like to be patted on the shoulder or have somebody's hands where i'll wipe my face or on my face. a girlfriend is different but still don't want anybody's hands on my face unless they washed their hands recently. i never even touch myself near my face unless i wash my hands first. may seem weird but at least i'm not the one who catches a cold 3x a year. i've actually gone over 6yrs without catching a cold before.


My family not at all on my mums side but I am though I cuddle my mum and a peck on the cheek. I always give my son a good cuddle.


I shake hands. for the right reason I hug, you're right it depends on the person and the reason.


I am very affectionate with partners but not so much with others or even my children as they have gotten older. It was the way we were raised. It wish it was different, but I'm just uncomfortable and awkward when people come in for hugs.


If I know and like a person well enough, I hug and nudge and pat and lightly poke and kitty-paw at any moment. I love platonic touch. Just not snuggling, because I overheat.


No I am not. And I come from a family that likes to hug your neck. Whats up with that ? I don't see you in a long time and you love me ? Come on now really. I am with you on this one. I just don't understand.


I'm well-known as a great hugger / affection-giver. By contrast my four year old grandson doesn't like to be touched / handled (hopefully just a phase). I suppose everyone has their own way of relating and being "intimate". Said grandson is one of those who wants you to watch everything he does and answer every quesiton that enters his head, that is his way of relating, through actions that are under his control. He also hates goodbyes and so I imagine he also is managing his separation anxiety at this point in his life by limiting his enjoyment of people who enter his field of consciousness, perhaps they come and go seemingly randomly from his point of view -- who knows?

On the other hand the stereotypical Italian level of physical contact with strangers, hugging and kissing, is alien to me. I'm reserved with people I don't know. Generally, they are with me as well.

On a net whole-life basis I don't feel physical contact / expression has been that reciprocal though. I seem to be more demonstrative than average, more off-putting than average, or both. Or it may be that I simply attract / am attracted to more reserved / withheld types. At this point in life I'm beyond figuring it out. People will do, or not do, what they want. I can't make my own happiness or contentment contingent on the whims of others. I've learned to take what I can get.


I'm like that with people I feel confortable. I have people I've known for years and I'm not like that.


Yeah, hell yeah. But not with men or family.


Depends on my mood. I can hug and such but lately I'm more standoffish. Prefering the head nod and a hi to touching.


I am a gentleman. With my family too. But with my lady... is all Romance within an Orgy of the Senses.


My family are very huggy and touchy, even the men, and my husband took a while to get used to being hugged by my dad, but admits he likes the warmth. His family were very reserved and found my openness a bit daunting. Thankfully, we live in France so my kids have grown up in a culture of bisoux and hand shakes and lots of hugging......but I'll only hug you if you want ?

Tilia Level 7 Apr 4, 2018

My perception of the environment is acute as I am autisticaly impaired.


I hug everyone who needs it. Whether I like it or not is irrelevant


Not really. I too, and a bit standoffish with acquaintances. Probably because I am still quite shy and an introvert. My family, my adult kids and my wife, are into hugging, which is fine for me too, as they are family. My parents were very affectionate towards each other and to my sister and myself. But, as I said, I have always been very shy and introverted. I was happier with a good book than with people.


Come from a hugging family. The majority of my friends, male and female, hug. Studies have shown hugging is good for ones health. My experience has been hugging leads to closer and more open realationships.

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