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I hate Theists

HaejungKim 4 May 17

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I hate the people that did this to her - those SPECIFIC mis-guided fools. I don't hate ALL theists. In fact some of my best friends are theists. We respectfully discuss our beliefs, and seek to better understand one another. I realize that they aren't all understanding - but if I'm being fair there are also many atheists that aren't very understanding.

Now, I'm not trying to claim a false equivalence - I realize there are likely more unreasonable theists than atheists. I'm just not a fan of painting with a broad brush. In my opinion it's that kind of thinking that has lead us to believe that we are more divided than ever; making us unwilling to listen and learn.

I'm a firm believer that if I paint with a broad brush, others should be be allowed to do the same. I don't want to be viewed as the angry, baby-eating, satan-worshiping atheist - and you know there are theists that view us that way. I'm pretty sure they also have their own memes.

Bending over TOO far backward to be fair, though I respect your desire to do so. If only the people you are treating with such even-handedness felt the same way.
I assume you're agnostic. Not sure they'd cut off your head immediately; might try to convert you first, which would be your only hope.
I wouldn't bet on it, though.

@Storm1752 The people that did this to this woman, I am not treating even handedly, they are reprehensible. But am I judging all theists in the same way I judge them - no. It's a world that is overwhelmingly filled with theists.

I identify as an atheist...but technically I'm an agnostic atheist, since I don't know a god doesn't exist. The people that did this to her are more than likely muslim, who are fundamental in their belief. So for them, even if I was a believer, if I didn't believe in their god...or their version of god, they would probably kill me.


all theists? including people who wouldn't harm anyone and don't even talk about religion unless asked but just quietly believe in some deity or other the way some folks believe in not walking under ladders, lumping them in with evangelicals and terrorists? how sad. how hateful. you really can't tell the difference between an abuser and someone who just has a different view of the universe.



This is beyond madness...


Good ol’ religion, the tool it’s always been. Hate away ~

Varn Level 8 May 17, 2020

I can see this and I really do not like people in general. When I find that they believe some sort of religion I like them less. I know lots of people but only a select few are really my friends.


A Hater is destined to be Hated.

Good destiny theory!


I hate people all the same... Lol!!! However, I understand how disgusting it is to see and know these things happen and are people who believe in God who practice it. However, not all religious people are like that.

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