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Reprinted by request: What?! What a terrible tragedy for you. The only partial consolatio​n I could see if I lost my own family members might be if they were very, very old and had lived full lives already. What a travesty in that it mostly could have have been avoided but for the politician​s. I know what you mean about "this new world". As a guy who is nearly 65, it is almost a world devoid of human contact -- especially​ here, where the mores are British and people already had a social distance of 2 metres and now exaggerate​ it beyond all necessity given this country's relatively​ pristine record under Covid-19. Now people walking towards me on the sidewalk tend to give me a wide berth, young mothers wheeling push-chairs who spot me from 30 metres away and cross the road as soon as they can. Unclean! Unclean!

Garbonza 6 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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We are all unclean, one of the dirtiest and most disease ridden animals on the planet, even before Covid-19. Perhaps we are now, only just beginning, to act as we should.

I am a tactile person, and can only see existence at a 2-metre distance from other people as a living death.

@Garbonza You need a good friend.

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