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Are people protecting the idea of religion or the power, privilege and social status that religion brings to them?

I have been put a lot of time in this question recently.
The "true believers that i know defend the religion using arguments like the good that it brings (and it really does something good).
But the most eager to defend and impose religion seems to seek only the social status and power that it brings to them.
What are your visions about it?
Do you think this is connected with a culture/place/religion or it is universal?
Do you know true believers that would spread religion even if it does not bring at least some apparent advantage?

Pedrohbds 7 May 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Let's see, brainwashing people, causing religious wars, closing eyes to science, crusades, jihads, burnings, slavery protection, inquisition, witch trials, and that is just a sampler, and you say religion does something good? I guess you could say that italian fascists did something good keeping trains running on time or that the nazis did something good when they took germany out of the post WWI economic recession.

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