Please tell me that when you die, your spirit rises into the heavens! Please tell me that when you die, you will meet all of your loved ones who have passed away? Please tell me that religion is nothing but a money making machine and religion is what is ruining this world?
There's no such thing as religion or some god in the sky who judges you. But there's also no such thing as you. At least not as you (most) believe. You are NOT just part and product of this body as many wish to claim. You are simply the awareness sensing events within it. This body will die but you will go on. Just as you have always gone on. YOU were never born. This body was, but not you. You are infinite, pure knowledge, and bliss. That is the natural state of awareness and awareness is you.
When you die and the oxygen leaves your brain, that's it. It's over. Fade to black. People in your life who have passed away, loved ones or not, you'll never see them again. They exist only as a memory. The reason religion makes so much money is because it tells people what they want to hear with regards to mortality.