Culling the church herd actually makes religion better IMO by taking the focus away from the material and shifting it onto the spiritual.
I'm truly agnostic, but I have had friends of all faiths. According to most of my Christian and catholic friends told me "a church" is not brick and mortar, it's a gathering of followers. For those that believe, god is everywhere, doesn't matter where you are. Going to a building for it nowadays, is as irresponsible as going to a bar or a gym. These pastors are going against their own "rules" they are putting their followers in danger with this virus that has crippled the planet and for what, to deliberately violate state and local guidelines. Infection cases and death rate is going up everywhere, everyone is responsible for everyone else when they leave their house, some people just don't give a damn. There is a term that is needed for these people Martial Law. It should be applied to those areas that are so careless about life. Trump would never order Martial law, especially towards those who are his core voters, whom are the ones who violate their own presidents' guidelines.
I have 2 wishes for this entire situation: 1, that people will really realize what they need in this life, and the 2nd, what they do not need, like religion.
Maybe those preachers will finally have to get real jobs.
I especially don't care for the "hip trend-setter" churches as I like to call them. You know, the "Thrive Church" or "Rock City"
I used to work for a religious 5014.
It was all about getting donotions. I was a doubter already. It only solidifying my lack of belief.
All Hail The Almighty Currency.
Many preachers could be great salesmen. If they can make money selling the BS they are selling think how well they could sell good products.