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How has your day been in comparison to mine?

In response to another's comment about theirwasted day, I wrote -

In comparison I've had my rental property owner's agent & plumber trying to gaslight me with "it is better to spend $1600 on a replacement hot water system using electricity at $400 pa. than an air heat pump system costing $660 and using $50 pa. electricity whilst requiring a $200 service every 2-3 years!"

When I suggested that I go to the media, State Administrative Court, local MP etc. after ten years of dealing/putting up with their malfeasance they hastily sent me a booklet and form on how to complain to their internal complaints board.

I have a problem in that their xtian god is their final arbitrator/judge.

FrayedBear 9 May 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow! That's a lot of info to work through! Especially when big money is involved. Hope it works out well for ya. Just be careful and don't get ripped off! ๐Ÿ˜• Larry in western Kentucky


Skip the shit. Ask what the payback period is.

I've told you 660+50+(200รท2)/400= number of years.

The other system doesn't have a payback period - it's just pay, pay pay - 1600/expected life 10 = 160 + annual electricity of (400 pa +inflation)= min of $560 pa.
Just the part I pay (property owner required to pay for hws) $400 Vs $50 pa.

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