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Places of religious worship are essential stated Trump in his news briefing, and that State governors will be overruled by him if they refuse to open them up for the weekend.
So let us see if the infection 'R' rate will rise and more Americans will discover if we or they are correct about heaven, hell, god or gods.

Sofabeast 7 May 22

Enjoy being online again!

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He trampled over states rights just so he could fire up his base. That maniac will stop at nothing to win.

No wonder all other most affected countries have flattened their curves and US still growing exponentially.

Johns Hopkins Medical Center data today: []


I hope all those churchgoers get infected.

@Fred_Snerd Revenge is dish best served cold. They want to be coronavirus tough guys, let their God protect them. lol

@Fred_Snerd That's a fictitious puppet. Wishing ill will on people is not the same as causing it.

@Fred_Snerd I made it up myself. Charles Manson caused ill will I didn't. That being said hate is underrated.

@Fred_Snerd I'll tell you one other thing I hate. Star Wars.

@Fred_Snerd I'm one of a kind. We all are. I hope everyone at Trump rallies, Open America protests and evangelical churches gets coronavirus. It won't happen unfortunately and I wouldn't gain any pleasure if it did, but it should happen if there's any justice. There's not. Star Wars metaphors are silly.


I absolutely love this song.


Good choice. It's such a great tune. And really funny too.

Was she entertained?


Good on ya, I couldn't possibly play that.

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