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I retired on Wednesday and find that every day I have to stop myself from "galloping" out of bed to "do" something.

Jolanta 9 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm a year in to retirement. as much as i enjoyed what i did, restoring homes interiors, i do not miss it. way to many thing of interest to get done.
Enjoy making it to the finish line.


Hopefully that urge to gallop out of bed will go away soon. It's nice to have several options for activities to do each day, but not have to set an alarm to get to them! Taking it easy but with some routine is what I like. I haven't retired yet, but this pandemic has awarded me a mandatory break from work. I could surely get use to it!

And congratulations on your retirement!

@Julie808 Thank you.


Congratulations, I am one month behind you.


Congrats you will get used to it

bobwjr Level 10 May 23, 2020

Try and take it easy, if you are retired your schedule should be alot less demanding


Congratulations, and enjoy!




I'm involuntarily retired. Keep waking up early, just don't go to work. I'm a vampire anymore.

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