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I really miss baseball. I am not the kind to sit around and watch endless hours of sports, but I have been a fan since age 8. Growing up my hometown team was the Cincinnati Reds, but I liked the nationally know players like Mickey Mantle and Willie Mays.
Being stuck at home it would make it easier if I could watch my local team on TV.

Sierra4 8 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Knew I’d fled that stuff for a reason 😉 My dad, the sportaholic.. burnt his sons out on - you name it, if a ‘ball’ (or puck) was involved - he was there! Went the opposite direction, like my mom… She’s political no end to that ~

Varn Level 8 May 25, 2020

Memorial Day without baseball is going to be so weird. I'm used to spending Memorial Day at the ballpark, whether it was the A's in Oakland or the Naturals in Springdale, Arkansas (Royals AA affiliate). I've bookmarked a couple of World Series games from the 70's on YouTube to watch and marked down a few others from last season on MLB.TV and MiLB.TV. (They're free to stream during the shutdown).


I like good 'sport' / competition.
Regardless of which sport, which team/player(s).

Pro sports are BIG business, IMO deserving NO loyalty whatsoever. 😮


I am a life-long baseball fan, too, and am embarrassed to say I'm addicted to the Philadelphia Phillies! It's where I grew up, and my earliest pleasant memories are of going to Connie Mack Stadium with my family, and learning how to fill out a score card, listening to Richie Ashburn do the color commentary on my transistor radio. :'( I miss it so much!

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