Really sad state of affairs. Learned my friend Michele who has 2 homes one in VT and one in NY had her car stoned and damaged in VT by people afraid of NY residents!!!!! WTF is going on? Vt is a liberal state I thought?
The other weird thing is I found out yesterday that she is a Trump supporter. She is angry at my FB posts vs trump and dropped me as a friend on FB. She didn't drop my friend Chris who is not pro-Trump but for some reason took it out on me. We haven't talked in 3 months. Is her car being targeted because she's a Trump supporter or because of NY plates? Thats what I'm wondering now............
Ignorance and vandalism are not confined to any particular geographical location, sadly! This pandemic seems to have released a contagion of stupidity...vanguarded by your POTUS!
During this period residents are really afraid of outsiders. It;s a normal reaction. The only case on Lopez was a woman who came from the mainland to hibernate in her vacation home and brought the virus with her. Now it is memorial day and there has been a surge of vacationers from the mainland. Normally, tourism is a big driver of our economy and we welcome all with open arms. Now outsiders can be a serious health risk.