10 7

Really sad state of affairs. Learned my friend Michele who has 2 homes one in VT and one in NY had her car stoned and damaged in VT by people afraid of NY residents!!!!! WTF is going on? Vt is a liberal state I thought?

sassygirl3869 9 May 24

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The other weird thing is I found out yesterday that she is a Trump supporter. She is angry at my FB posts vs trump and dropped me as a friend on FB. She didn't drop my friend Chris who is not pro-Trump but for some reason took it out on me. We haven't talked in 3 months. Is her car being targeted because she's a Trump supporter or because of NY plates? Thats what I'm wondering now............


Ignorance and vandalism are not confined to any particular geographical location, sadly! This pandemic seems to have released a contagion of stupidity...vanguarded by your POTUS!

1 the cops


I’m so sorry! Is your friend ok?


Liberal's experience fear too. It's very sad that so many people strikeout in fear.


During this period residents are really afraid of outsiders. It;s a normal reaction. The only case on Lopez was a woman who came from the mainland to hibernate in her vacation home and brought the virus with her. Now it is memorial day and there has been a surge of vacationers from the mainland. Normally, tourism is a big driver of our economy and we welcome all with open arms. Now outsiders can be a serious health risk.


Them Yankees are a bunch of rednecks. 😟


Just more proof that this country is going further down the crapper with each passing day. Since, the dim whit and chief has no clue what he's doing.


I spent a few days in Vermont. Those are some of the most tight assed people I have ever been around.


Was she driving when they attacked her car or was it an act of vandalism? Bernie Sanders may be from Vermont but it's got it's share of bigoted people like everywhere else.

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