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Holiday tips for trip to Iceland?

Heading to Iceland in September, can anyone provide any suggestions as to "musts" while there? (places to go, things to see, etc)? Any other advice or travel tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

ChrisMarshall 2 Apr 4

Enjoy being online again!

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There's an observatory on the top of a hill in Reykjavik where you can sometimes see the Northern Lights. I would highly suggest trying that before shelling out $200+ to maybe see them. Although visibility may depend on the time of year, so, something to research I suppose.

There's a free (donation based) walking tour of Reykjavik that's really fun! Check out TripAdvisor, they have the walking tour and a bunch of other fun stuff.

Great, thanks very much for that, I will do. As well as Reykjavik, I'm looking at seeing other parts of the country if you have any other recommendations? I have just ordered a book called "The Rough Guide To Iceland" which (I'm hoping) covers all parts of the country. Thanks again, I appreciate the advice.

@ChrisMarshall I can't remember what the town is called, but there is a little viking themed village with a viking themed restaurant. Super cheesy, but fun. It will probably be in your book!

There's also an amazing black sand beach, so if you sign up for any tours, I would suggest looking for one that takes you there. It's beautiful!

@bitters: Cool, thanks for the info. Out of interest, how long did you spend there and was it as expensive as I'm hearing? Also, what type of accommodation did stay at?

@ChrisMarshall Spent about a week, stayed at Hostel Village. It was nice! And affordable, compared to other accommodations. Food is expensive af. I ended up spending about $1500 in total, and that was on a budget trip where we intentionally sought out the cheapest options for like everything. The only thing we splurged on was the Blue Lagoon. Which I also recommend.

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