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Idiots they will get sick and some will die.

Charliesey 7 May 25

Enjoy being online again!

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...many coming to a grocery store, gas station, or hospital near you ~

Varn Level 8 May 25, 2020

If they are going to die, let them do it, and decrease the surplus population! The fewer Trumplerite fascists around,the better! Less room for them, and more room for us!

If only they did it around their own kind and did not fan out to spread it among innocent, more intelligent sane people, then I'd be fine with the Darwinian herd thinning. But that's not how it plays..


Exactly, we are all part of this society and the actions of the ignorant science deniers effects all of us. Except for the elites of course. They separate themselves into their own extravagant little society where they don't need to come into contact with us peasants.



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