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LINK Christian Moms Say Pixar’s “Out,” a Same-Sex Love Story, Is “Promoting Sin” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Our long national nightmare is over. The one mom at One Million Moms (Twitter count: 4,781) finally found out about the Pixar short film “Out,” now available on Disney+, that features a gay protagonist scared to come out to his parents.

snytiger6 9 May 28

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These Christian conservatives love fighting the battles of the past. They need to get over it. They have lost this battle. Well............I hope they have.


Without seeing it. I will assume it's trying to teach young children about the gay community so they don't freak out or be hateful. When they become adults.


I sat down and watched. Fucking bawled like a goddamn baby at it. Bravo to Pixar for taking a stand. Usually when companies do something like this, it's for publicity, but this feels genuine.

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