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LINK CNN: Every White Person Has 'Virus' in Brain, It's 'Too Late to Be Innocent' - National File

It's too late to be innocent
People are fed up.

Shaghaf 6 May 29

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Not sure what these words mean so I have to click on the link

CNN VAN JONES vaguely condemned all whites feigning to be unaware of Black poverty and injustice towards Blacks ....the writer about Van Jones blaming "fraudster George Floyd" neither writer nor talker avoided coded language....trying to buy 20 dollars of food with a photocopied 20 is not fraud it is hunger....there is no death penalty in Minnesota so all killings ARE ILLEGAL no matter who or why ....self defense is not applicable to choke hold murderers and cover up Chief of Police top to bottom

Were you able to watch the video within the article?!
I do agree that it is the intersection between poverty and racism . And what the guy in the video referring to, is white people have kind of moral obligation not to act surprised every time these incidents happen, when acting innocent over and over while you are fully aware of the history or racism of this country, there must be something wrong with your vision and reaction

@Shaghaf I agree with your restatement.....Van Jones for all his years on tv could be more explicit and less general many USA cities burn because of the poor are kept jobless and wages low....


Van Jones is full of shit .This is an insult to all white people on this site INCLUDING the ones that took part in the demonstrations ,so if you agree with this preposterous statement then you are admitting that you yourself have a virus on the brain .This idiot should be fired .

I may have a virus, why not . It seems not a lot of people are immune against racism virus . I don't really know the guy who's talking, but I do agree with what he said about acting innocent and surprised every time , like they don't know how racist this system is .
The white people who are protesting with the other citizens are not acting innocent, they're taking actions, so they're not included in what you've considered as an insult.
I didn't understand why you got upset, is it so hard to listen to people who got killed just because of their skin color? Is it so difficult to understand their anger ?

@Shaghaf I am sorry but Of course I understand their anger over this Despicable act but my comment is not addressing this ,it is addressing your post

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