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Minnesota is an absolute shit show right now

Marcie1974 8 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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So the news has been showing us. Are you okay where you live ?

TO_BY Level 7 May 30, 2020

We tried to have a memorial yesterday but all day there were threats of violence against people attending the memorial. People were posting hearsay on Facebook about people throwing rocks at cars trying to get things riled up.

The memorial was from 5-7, I decided not to attend. From what i saw online it was peaceful. People walked to the courthouse after. I went to bed around 11 last night, I haven’t had the heart to check the news this morning


Revenge Arson is hardly toilet smell ......letting 5 felony cops run free letting a murderer off on light charges is a crime against humanity....terrorizm like Hitler bombing London silencing people into surrender.....London fire bombed German cities like the arsonists are fire revenging stores and precinct # 3 cop HQ

The thing is, it’s the redneck racists causing issues. Not the peaceful protestors. Shoc, I know 🙄

@Marcie1974 Yeah, that's the part of it that makes me kind of uneasy.


Not only Minnesota, but it's also spreading across the country. I'm staying safe at home and watching on tv.

I wanted to attend the memorial in St. Cloud, MN but ultimately decided to stay home. I’ll donate to Mr. Floyd’s family instead


That's a fact. It looks like a war zone and I'm amazed by how many people think that's wonderful. It's not.

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