A story I needed to hear. My niece posted this on FB and lives in Pensacola and though she is white worries about her boys everyday, because they are black.
Sorry, @gigihein, I couldn't access the link, but I think I get the idea.
I worry for my beautiful, sweet nephew (in his 16th birthday photo from last week) all the time, more so as he becomes an adult. He stayed with me a lot when he was young, and it's odd how many times expressions cooled visibly when they saw I had a child of color with me. I worry for friend's children as well. I can only do so much, but one second with an imbecile can trigger a tragedy.
I get it when I'm with my Asian girls, too, but not as blatant as when I'm with a black child. Too many people are warped and disturbed, and we need to find a way to control them. We need to do this soon.
@ barjoe @ Lauren It is a story about an artist who did a mural outside with face of George Floyd and it was vandalized. The artist redid it and the whole community not just black Americans rallied and cars passing by were honking. All Americans joining in protest is powerful and gives me hope.
My Navy towns including Pensacola have been racist since 1776 USA.. we all need to fight religious and racist bigotry in children so they don't grow up to be cops like Chauvin
I asked my step sister why on earth they moved to Pensacola.Tallahassee was always in the news for voter suppression. Initially she said it had lots of military so was better. But after she moved close by to her daughter, she said it was terribly racist.
yeah, it sucks, so found it hopeful when she shared this video with me.