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LINK MAGA Cultist: “I Make Shit Up All the Time” to Make Democrats Look Bad | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Last summer, right-wing Trump cultist Brenden Dilley gave away the entire MAGA strategy guide when he said spreading fake news was perfectly fine for conservatives because “it doesn’t have to be true; it just has to go viral.”

snytiger6 9 May 31

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At least he's honest about it.


Hearing that makes me think the world is going further down the crapper with no hope of enlightenment.


I refuse to pound the drum of conspiracy. besides, even if true it just further proves the dismal state of chaos our country is in and has been for some time. any sense of true egalitarianism is long past gone for much of the public.

I disagree.

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