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Where Was Your Knee In Nov. 2016?

If you voted Republican that year, your knee was just as much on the neck of George Floyd as that of the cop. You helped to institutionalize the violent racism that made him feel he has the impunity to brutalize and kill. "Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter"

Krish55 8 May 31

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As it is with most things, I don't think the democrats are much better on this issue. This stuff happened during the Obama administration as well.

To put all the blame on Trump and the republicans ignores the underlying systemic issues we have concerning racism and aggressive, overly militarized law enforcement.


I didn’t vote for Trump, but I’m not buying that conjecture on several counts.

Mainly, we’ve been having similar events to this recent disgusting thing all along, under both parties. More importantly, the government entity most responsible is the City of Minneapolis, run by Jacob Frey, a Democrat.

Also, it is ridiculous to accuse everyone who voted for Trump of murder. Huge numbers of outstanding, fair-minded citizens voted for Trump. It is ridiculous to blame Trump himself. Trump has never advocated racism. Some of his words have been twisted around for propaganda purposes by the real haters in this country.

Trump has never advocated racism? That tells us more about you than it does about Trump!

@Krish55 It is the kind of slanderous stereotyping and demonizing that is very likely to get Trump re-elected.

Who is “us”?


Yeah, when Trump called the white supremacists "good people" ad the protesters of police brutality "thugs" He revealed where he stands on race.

@RoboGraham All people are good people. It was a true statement.

Study the essays of MLK.





I think all people have, and for some, had, the potential to become good people but certainly not all are good.

If all are good, why didn't he call the "thugs" good people?

@RoboGraham I think what he was saying was that there were well-behaved, intelligent people on both sides. Obviously there were also some dangerous people on both sides who needed to be arrested, but as for me, I will not judge any human to be a thug. Sometimes people go off on mistaken courses, but their core essence is the same as that of you and me.


I like that sentiment. The justice system ought to be much more concentrated on rehabilitation than on punishment as it is. I agree, most people are good at heart but for varryi8ng reasons, do bad things.

I don't think Trump sees it this way though. I think his morality is completely tied up with loyalty. People who vote for him, such as white supremacists, are good people and people who don't, such as most black people, are bad people.

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