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BREAKING NEWS MSNBC; press conference of independently hired forensic specialists who autopsied George Floyd determined case of death to be asphysixia as well as additional officers -2 in fact - to place weight on his back cutting off air as well. Dr. Baden of forensic fame did the autopsy. They are as complicit as the officer with the chockehold per Dr. Gupta of Washington State. Let them be arrested and charged now!!!!!! Let Chauvin be charged with 1st degree murder. Agree/Disagree??? There was no evidence of heart disease contrary to the original autopysy. Whats up with that??? Meanwhile Trump encourages violence vs the protesters!!!!!


sassygirl3869 9 June 1

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Absolutely true Chauvin planned to take a helpless arrested Floyd out of the cop car and choke him to death KNOWING HE WAS FILMED to terrorize Blacks in his precinct when the ambulance arrived he refused to let the crew take George pulse to make certain he was dead long enough the hungry man could not be revived


County coroners work for the county and with the police. He had incentive to fudge the results. He/she should also now be investigated.


Sad state our Country is in. I certainly hope the racist bigots in charge right now lose in November. I truly fear my future if he is re-elected.

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