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Proof that there are no gods?

On top of everything else - cyclone


FrayedBear 9 June 3

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There is no such proof. I don’t get the point.

Godbotherers probably say C19 + cyclone is god's wrath.

@FrayedBear I guess from their perspective then, the double blow is proof of God’s existence rather than disproof.

I don’t think the concepts of proof and disproof have meaning when talking about a subject of which we are totally ignorant, such as the fundamental nature of reality.


Interesting, but few Alabamans have learned anything.

What has Alabama & its citizens got to do with an indian cyclone heading for a city of 20 million people?
Will any know where India is? I don't think that it is mentioned in their bible is it?

@FrayedBear Alabama has hurricanes and maybe tornadoes. Not quite 200 years ago, the US Army chased indians out of Alabama. Few Mississippians learned anything, too.

@Allamanda Wait until you're screaming for peacekeepers.

I don’t get the connection at all. Are you drinkin’ that Napa wine again?

@FrayedBear Homo Sapiens are peacekeepers? We’ll need bonobo chimps.

@WilliamFleming Your not getting the connection is ok.

@yvilletom Peacekeepers - Certainly not when they are American or American led.

@Allamanda These rumors persist of other lands beyond the sea. Personally I don’t believe such rumors. If such lands existed I think we would have long since colonized them.

@Allamanda The earth actually is relatively flat in my immediate area. I used to use a flat-earth model often in my surveys.

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