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Many people including myself have concluded that the officer wanted Floyd dead. A Second Degree murder charge is more appropriate. What motivated such rage? 😥


Unity 8 June 3

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Chauvin may have become a cop to openly act out his hatred for black people. They should go back into his records to determine a pattern when they prosecute and charge him for murder.


See my thoughts furthest below.

"He may have had deep dirt on the cop🤔 Seems this was the cop's opportunity of taking him out for good🤔 Only everyone saw how badly he wanted him dead🙁".


Terrorists like Chauvin want control over everyone and deliberately wanted to be filmed after he saw people with cell phones filming Floyd in the back seat of the patrol car. Step 2 getting his victim out of the car he slammed his face to the pavement and applied the chokehold......calmly methodically waiting for George to die....when ambulance arrived the crew begged to check the corpse for a pulse but Chauvin refused until he was certain Floyd could not be revived back into the living world. This is 1st degree murder.


Remember, we all are going to forget the George Flyod's outrageous killing by the cops just like we have forgotten thousands of other killings including of Rodney King in Los Angeles by police and moved on.....

Why just for George Floyd? The killings have been going on regularly and systematically.

This country has a large white population that will continue to elect people like Donald Trump. Don't forget that Trump was partly a result of the white backlash against the 8 years of a black president called Obama. We have a false hope that justice will be done. The Republicans have been trying to reverse the civil rights won by Martin Luther King Jr and thousands of his followers who gave their lives to earn just the basic rights. Half of the country even went to war against the rights of of the Black Americans here.

These are just a few recent names.

  1. Breonna Taylor
  2. Sean Reed
  3. Amaud Arbery
  4. Steven Demarco Taylor
  5. Ariane McCree
  6. Terrance Franklin
  7. Miles Hall
  8. Samuel David Mallard
  9. Tamir Rice
  10. Botham Shem Jean
  11. E.J. Bradford
  12. Michael Brown
  13. Jamee Johnson
  14. Antwon Rose
  15. Stephon Clark
  16. Natosha “Tony” McDade
  17. Yassin Mohamed
  18. Finan H. Berhe
  19. Sean Reed
  20. Steven Demarco Taylor
  21. Miles Hall
  22. Darius Tarver
  23. William Green
  24. Samuel David Mallard
  25. Kwame “KK” Jones
  26. De’von Bailey
  27. Christopher Whitfield
  28. Anthony Hill
  29. Eric Logan
  30. Jamarion Robinson
  31. Gregory Hill Jr
  32. JaQuavion Slaton
  33. Ryan Twyman
  34. Brandon Webber
  35. Jimmy Atchison
  36. Willie McCoy
  37. Emantic “EJ” Fitzgerald Bradford Jr
  38. D’ettrick Griffin
  39. Jemel Roberson
  40. DeAndre Ballard
  41. Botham Shem Jean
  42. Robert Lawrence White
  43. Anthony Lamar Smith
  44. Ramarley Graham
  45. Manuel Loggins Jr
  46. Trayvon Martin
  47. Wendell Allen
  48. Kendrec McDade
  49. Larry Jackson Jr
  50. Jonathan Ferrell

More here..... []

I strongly disagree with that statement "we all are going to forget" I am not sure who you were referring to as "we" I am African American and I know the sentiments of my community. Make know mistake about it periods of silence doesn't mean something is forgotten. The 50 names you listed are only some of the ones that were documented. The actual number is without a doubt in the millions. This atrocity has been going on in North America since the founding of this country. Native American's as well as African American blood saturates this soil.
This incident as with all of them has something that is totally unique about it. This incident ignited a swift worldwide response.
I believe the masses (of all races) have seen enough. Any wise person will recognize that now is the time to make changes necessary to stop the bloodshed. Dismissing it as something that will pass is the biggest mistake we can make for our future generations

Sorry. I meant we as a country.

I don't believe forgotten. It's the case where the victims were not white. ...but not forgotten! the protests including whites makes a big difference. They caused it ie their parents, their grandparents, their great grandparents, the racist white community at large, slavery, the laws which govern that condoned all inequalities. All of this contributed to what and where it is now. The mentality of those people! seeing white people taking a stand says something. Enough is enough, for the American people, the country itself going forward.
I always said if white kids in South Africa protested against what was happening to non-white kids in South Africa it would've made a difference. ...then black students wouldn't have been shot in the Soweto 1976 "riots" in South Africa . Students took the bullet in broad daylight when apartheid police shot every black school kid that moved in that peaceful protest. This was the saddest day in history, where the govt of the day and their fruitful servants (apartheid police) lawfully shot school kids. The govt of the day called it a "riot"! . It was a peaceful protest against the ills of apartheid education dished out to black kids. The govt wanted blacks (with their own native language) to do their subjects in the Dutch language, which the Dutchmen then called Afrikaans, to confuse the world that it was part of Africa. Blacks were dished out such an inferior-trodden education, this to encourage future slavery. Verwoerd was even against blacks learning maths. This is how evil the system was. The greatest evil of apartheid, amongst other gruesome evils towards humankind, was to deprive the non-whites of a decent education, especially the blacks as the education syllabus was graded in its inferior tiers ie Indians, Coloureds then Blacks. That is soooo fucken cruel. ...while the world watched and did f all about it because they were in bed with the perpetrators. SO NO, NOT FORGOTTEN. The reason why we're still facing difficulties, is that so many blacks are still in generational slavery. SO THANK YOU TO ALL THE WHITES OUT THERE, WHO HAS RECOGNISED THE EVILS AND TAKING A STAND FOR THE LOVE OF HUMANITY. The majority of the SOUTH AFRICAN GUILTY WHITES HAVE FLED for greener opportunities to AUS, UK & USA. They were welcomed with open arms. NOW TELL ME THIS ISN'T A RACE THING. They will hijack a fucken country, drain it to the ground at the expense of the indigenous people (still draining, still feel a sense of entitlement) and continue their life in this manner.
This world can be a better place for all who live in it, if we think humanly enough. There'll be less poverty, less crime, less hatred, more love.

@Unity see link:


(you can search other links)

June 16 coming up is to remember those kids. It's been a public holiday since Nelson Mandela came into power

Also know that the real (death) truth couldn't be published. Reporters were barred.
"They" bar 'd news on this. Anyone who dared go against this faced - well you'll never see or hear of them again.

@Unity, @ St-Sinner
...when you open all the links, you'll read that while the injured school kids were being treated in hospital, the govt wanted the names of those kids, so they can be prosecuted for "rioting"! Plenty kids still missing. THIS WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN!
Whites in post apartheid SA, are telling black people to "get on with it"!!!! Can you believe this!!!! They have not been at the receiving end of such brutality. Parents remembering their brothers and sisters and parents, they are being told by white people to just get on with it!!!!. This has left huge scars and psychological damage to the majority of its citizens!
Yes the kids have moved on in democratic SA and have become distinguished men and women and have taken their rightful place in society.
... but NOT forgotten! school kids were shot at point-blank as direct targets - most people still cringe at this horror and shivers go down their spine. ...but these spineless people (not all) say "get on with it".
I was in Gr7 at the time. Our schools closed in mourning - against govt policy!

No I think this new generation won't let this happen. Many whites are getting more involved. I am marching Monday with Black Lives Matter.

That is the hope.


Maybe Chauvin had a personal grudge vs Floyd. They both worked as bouncers in the same bar. Time will tell. He murdered him with that chokehold.

He seemed determined to make sure Floyd was dead. After Floyd was unresponsive he still kept a knee to his neck. Unbelievable

He may have had deep dirt on the cop🤔 Seems this was the cop's opportunity of taking him out for good🤔 Only everyone saw how badly he wanted him dead🙁

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