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According to my physics teacher, people who become atheists will be punished by God. He is a pious Muslim, who recite verses in the koran even while riding motorcycle. He told us that tgere is endless evidence in physics which support the existence of God. I am having difficulty in ignoring him since he is so good at Physics. Is there anyone out there who can counter his argument?

AravindAjith 6 June 6

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There are many intelligent people that are easily confused by not seeing what's right in front of them, reality. They learn really well how things work and make things that are complex but think that intelligence is special god given issue. The measured understanding of physics of is just that
our own learned understanding of it. Since there is no rational reason to believe stuff not found in our reality they must not understand that simplicity. Life started millions and millions of years before any of the modern(the last 5000 years) religions started and we evolved to this. If they cherry pick the sciences as some silly proof of a belief system, i think more, much more study is needed by them to prove such silliness. I think a reasonable scientist would understand this.


One can partition the mind just like a computer memory disk so that one segment does not have to bother the other.

@TheMiddleWay True. but does it not show itself in the Psychological disorder "Split personality"?


Tell him to get his evidence peer reviewed.


So what is "his argument"? We can hardly counter what we haven't been presented with. Please share with us his wondrous knowlege - I could do with a laugh.

Nothing much. Just God being infinite, situated outside time , space and everything. Koran is God's biggest gift to humanity according to him. He claims that there is a NASA study which talks about two planets rotating in the speed of light. As we know, a particle travelling in the speed of light is independent of space and time. He use this to justify the concept of eternal luxury, eterna torture. The thing is that he makes it sound like it is a real thing. Unfortunately, many of my friends believe in him since he is good at teaching the concepts. This left me in a confused state and it even made me think that it may be true. After reading those comments, I realised that I was being dumb. I am new to this community.

@AravindAjith A good thing about NASA is that you are allowed to contact them. Tell them what your physics teacher has said and you would like to confirm if this study was actually done. You will be able to get the information straight from the source and then make your assessment on his claim, based on evidence.

@AravindAjith Hi Aravind. There's a saying along the lines of "if you can't blind them with bullshit, dazzle them with science". I was an undergrad physicist for a couple of years, so most of the pseudo-science doesn't wash with me. Let's keep this real - nothing that has mass can ever reach the speed of light - so his rotating planets are pure b/s and if he knows anything about physics he should know this - so he's either being dishonest or he's not much of a physicist. Take your pick. Einstein showed that everything travels through space-time at the same rate - at light speed the time element is zero but the speed is around 180,00 miles/second, so NO - no particle (even a massless one like a photon) is independent of space and time. It seems that he has picked up a smattering of physical terms and bandies them around to suit his agenda. Educate yourself and you will soon see what a fraud he is.

@AravindAjith "as we know, a particle travelling in the speed of light is independent of space and time"

Uhhh, What?

@AravindAjith, @Gareth The closest would be a neutrino. But still not quite speed of light. And massless. But god? No.

@Gareth I am a poorly educated american. I didn't learn Physics in HS, college. I know BS when I hear it. But I know the basics of physics. That's why I know BS too.


This feels like you're trolling us.


I'm sure there are many people who could counter his argument but we don't really know what it is. What is this endless evidence that supports the existence of god? Give us that, and then we can analyze the argument.

All "evidence" of god that I have ever encountered is based in interpretation, not fact. Something amazing happens and people say, "Look what god did. God does exist." But there could be any number of other explanations for what happened.

I suspect if you looked at the "evidence" the teacher believes, you would find it is about how he interprets it.

He said that mathematics does not help us to reach at an accurate answer and that majority of mathematical calculations approaches uncertainty. He also stated that many scientists use copious amount of imagination and approximation to explain certain phenomena. He believes that the problems modern science faces can be solved if scientists are ready to accept the existence of a supreme being. His argument about the existence of heaven and hell is the one which intrigued me the most. He claimed that there is a NASA study which says that hell and heaven maybe two planets rotating in the speed of light. Since particles travelling in the speed of light is not influenced by space of time, the concept of eternal torture or luxury can be justified. Is there really a NASA study which says about planets rotating in the speed of light? I have googled it a lot but couldn't find an answer. I argued about this with my friends and they did believe that it is true! Apparently, they don't have a good impression about atheists. I was brought up with a strong faith in God and it was difficult for me to let it go altogether. These arguments made me confused. But after reading all those comments I could see that he was not stable in his opinions.

@AravindAjith That does sound mainly like his personal interpretation to me. Let's say there are two planets rotating at the speed of light, does that mean that they are heaven and hell? I would say that if NASA had found two planets rotating at the speed of light, there's still absolutely no reason to believe that they are heaven and hell. That is just conjecture.

By the way, have you googled "can mass move at the speed of light?" The results say no, which indicates that NASA hasn't discovered any planets moving at the speed.

I think Toonces suggestion is a good one. Ask him for a source. If he provides one, you can take a look and see if it seems credible. If he doesn't, you're safe to assume he's either just passing on unsubstantiated rumors or he's making stuff up. You can do that with everything he says.

I totally understand about it being difficult to give up your belief in god. Those ideas are often drilled into your head with a large portion of damnation and hellfire and it's really hard to get past them. You will find that after you've dismantled a few arguments like this one from your professor, it gets easier.


That "endless evidence" is all in his imagination. The truth is: it's all make-believe.


He is good at memorizing and repeating whatever he rads, that does not make him good at physics or God. He learned physics with a bias on proving that it proves the existence of God. Physics does not prove the existence of any God. He has been brainwashed by religion in to relate everything with proving that God exists. They make it fit no matter how absurd it sounds to others.

Such people are not overburdened with the ability to reason.


We have no need to fear punishment by god, because there IS NO god. The sciences, including physics, demonstrate that the world can exist without a personal "creator."


With enough faith anyone can argue endlessly. Realistically, there is zero proof of god.


Become better at physics than him. Then destroy his opinions with an atom smasher. CERN comes to mind.

SCal Level 7 June 6, 2020

don't be so hung up on definitions. what I call a couch you might call a divan. what you call the lumping together of all presently unexplainable experiences he might call god. if people would learn not to demand objectication and causation on everything then they could see reality from everyones' view and lose all these misunderstandings.


Ask him to share 3 pieces of evidence of god. I'm curious to see what they are.

I will never get how people of science can be believers of magic and fairy tales.


Um gee whiz, where would one start? My ex's friend (Mohammad) would tell me that proof that Allah exists is that the Koran is PERFECT (!?) Well, that solves THAT, I guess! And he was a very intelligent man! Had an undergrad in electrical engineering and a master in mechanical engineering. That is what is the scariest: When otherwise intelligent people buy into this lunacy. 😟

Very 'intelligent'!


Ask about all the other gods. At the moment there are in excess of 42 different one and only true gods around, each claiming to be the other one.
Islam has only been around 624 by the western calendar, so why wasn't it the starter religion as soon as modern humans were made? Why are there splits in Islam?
Islamic festivals are often led by the sun. But what about when the further towards the polar regions we are, the greater the difference there is in it's position, so where I live at this time of year sun down is around 22:45 hours and rises again around 03:00. How does Islam explain that? Think of it, when some festivals appear, there may be no sunset or sunrise if you close to the north or south poles.


If he has such evidence, then he should present it, and make it fully available for careful examination.

If rigorous scrutiny results in his evidence being confirmed as genuine and reliable, then he will win world renown.

He will not do so, however - because no-one else has managed in the last 2000 years.


Don't let him use his ammo. Use yours. Ask him to explain Noah's Ark. Don't let him off the subject.


Ask him to use physics to prove there is a god. He has made the statement that atheist will be punished by god, now it is incumbent upon his to demonstrate this scientifically as he is a physics teacher he should understand this basic science necessity.


I would just ask for some peer reviewed studies supporting his claim.

This really is the best answer but I don't think there is any person or any argument that could convince him otherwise.


Just like the Bible, the Koran can be used to justify any opinion you want to justify. Ask him for this physical evidence. I imagine it would have to be proved mathematically.


Call his bullshit and ask him to choose one, the most compelling and convincing one he can think of, there ain't none.


Everybody has an opinion regardless of anything else.


How can someone or something that does not exist , do anything at all to you ?


Yea everything thing is god so if it exists it is god its. Not really proof but more of a belief so nothing no matter how big or small is going to change his mind if he ever feels confused he'll say and thats proof of god because literally anything


What argument? Just tell the moron where this 'God' came from and we'll go from there?

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