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According to my physics teacher, people who become atheists will be punished by God. He is a pious Muslim, who recite verses in the koran even while riding motorcycle. He told us that tgere is endless evidence in physics which support the existence of God. I am having difficulty in ignoring him since he is so good at Physics. Is there anyone out there who can counter his argument?

AravindAjith 6 June 6

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60 comments (51 - 60)

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You cannot counter his argument successfully. People like him believe that god created black holes in space as a sort of vacuum cleaner. Reality says we know very little about black holes and nobody would have believed this way 100 years ago. His thinking fits the puddle he believes himself to be in. This is similar to an ignorant man becoming a Christian and then going around to say to people "it's a wonderful day that god created for us today." I've known people like this but even as a one time believer I never thought that a god created our every day. I guess this gave god something to do. IDK?


You don’t need to counter his argument, instead, ask for that evidence he is talking about, and ask him to show how that proofs the existence of God.
But, should you not be learning about physics? Is he such a great teacher of physics that you have to put up with his erroneous notions?


Pretty sure you can find quite a few nationally know physicists who are atheists and could argue the case against him. My guess is he has spent a lot of time cherry picking his data. But that's just a layman's observation.


Why is there sin and why do we sin? Sure free will but will to do wrong is counterintuitive is it not?


I state often that everyone has an opinion and your physics teacher has stated his. In my opinion, people who become atheists will live a happier, more productive life because they are independently free to do so.

@TheMiddleWay As a physicist, do you see any evidence in physics to support the existence of god?

@TheMiddleWay Thank you. For me, making a claim without evidence, facts or data is nothing more than expressing a personal opinion. Your mileage may vary.


Is it even legal for him to push his religion in your class?

Well, It is illegal if it is considered as proselytizing. But these things are common and depends on which religion the school belongs too.


The term "physics" covers a very broad group of scientific disciplines. Can you be more specific, In what area does this person teach?

Not really.


I'd find another physics teacher, and not because he's a Muslim, but because he sounds like a religious nut!


I'd watch this then ask him why this presentation (points given) are wrong.
This one is better. Lawrence Krauss is theoretical physicist and cosmologist who previously taught at Arizona State University.


I've always observed. If you're devout in your religious beliefs you shouldn't be teaching the sciences or history.

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