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Comedy gem Sarah Cooper conquers Trump in hilarious TikTok videos

"Sarah Cooper — a Brooklyn writer and comedian who’s proud to be “blocked by Trump” — lip syncs Trump’s voice in her sterling series of TikTok videos mocking the president. She creatively exposes the tortured soul she imagines the president has.

"One of her best recent offerings is “How to Bunker,” in which she acts out Trump’s insistence that he wasn’t rushed to his underground bunker last week to protect him from Washington, D.C., protesters, but to inspect it.

"She shows a shower-curtain-caressing, paranoid, grimacing, contorting “Trump” (her) losing his mind. Check it out here:


LiterateHiker 9 June 7

Enjoy being online again!

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She is great, beyond great.


I love her!



bobwjr Level 10 June 7, 2020

LOL she is good

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