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My encounter meeting a racist, transphobic, chatterbox, conversation hog

I visited a friend the other day with a few of HIS friends, who I barely even know. We were talking about a wide variety of things/topics. Somehow the conversation lead into one of his friends ragging on transgender people. He said "It's gross, weird, I don't understand it, if you're born a're a BOY!" I could barely even chime in on the conversation. I'm not a fan of yelling and having to talk over people. He wasn't even listening to anyone, anyways. I dislike people who talk CONSTANTLY, interupt, and hog conversations. Overall, I am a calm mellow person who doesn't do well with people such as him. He didn't even listen to anyone anyways and likes to hear himself talk.

Yes.... I have a hard time understanding it too, but don't you think transgender people ALSO have a hard time and go through confusion? (most, not all). Imagine what THEY go through. They are also discriminated against, by many people, even to this day.

It's weird and gross? Weird is too broad of a term. I even consider myself "weird." It's weird to you because you don't understand it? Why not try to educate yourself? I am still educating myself on this, as some parts I still don't fully understand. Everyone is "entitled" to their own beliefs and opinions (I suppose) even though some of those opinions are bias, illogical, and invaild.

Moving to the racist my town, there were teenage boys who hijacked a car and the police were after them. When we all were talking about that, he says "I bet you that wasn't a bunch of white kids who did that!"

I told my friend that I never want to hangout with this person again. He said "I can only deal with him in small doses." I told my friend "He seems very transphobic and racist." Turns out, my friend said I was right. What a shocker!

If someone was a racist transphobic person (who is set in their ways) and you're NOT a transphobic racist person, would you even want to hangout or associate with them at all?

VeronicaAnn 7 June 7

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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I have no time for such immature and emotionally insecure people: they have the potential to be dangerously violent.


You are far more understanding then the people I grew up with were. They would’ve beaten this poor person within an inch of their lives.


His beliefs and opinions would not bother me. ( I've had enough of my own through the years.)
His Loud Obnoxious Mouth however would bother me.

With the social meltdown of the last few years , I have noticed that the people who use the term "snowflake" seem to have the biggest sensitivity (crybaby) issues

twill Level 7 June 7, 2020

@VeronikaAnnJ I'll take that as a compliment!

He seems like a book matter the subject, he wrote the book on it!


One of my ex's is born again trans. He now is a devout roman catholic who is also a tRump fan. I no longer have anything to do with him.




I had a transitioning guy to a girl in one of the crews that I ran about ten years ago. Lovely person, no problems from crew or management. She got on with the job just like everyone else.

People are people, some lovely, some total shits. Nothing to do with sexuality, race or ethnicity.


I have spent much to much time in places where people just try to influence others without any regard to what they may believe. Just walk away. "The power of good bye" Madonna.


There is no such thing as transphobia. Another word created by shits to silence reasonable people.

That is FASCISM at ist core. Deny freedom of speech. Especially speech based in reality..

Leftist Fascism is the most significant danger to the most advanced civilization to ever exist on this planet.

Ask any leftest where else they would rather live. NO where else. Because no non-western country would put up with such pussies.

No intelligent substance to your answer. No intelligent debate. Just another troll who has hate in their heart.

Aw, stow it with the 'freedom of speech' whine. People who are bigoted and full of shit don't deserve an audience and I certainly don't owe them a second of my time or attention for the sake of their "freedom of speech." What crap! And there's no earthly way that makes me a fascist.

This view point just boxes people in, but maybe that was your intent?

@VeronikaAnnJ i guess some people just must travel in the ‘crazy lane!’ How else would they feel alive?




I got about 5 comments in, and agree.


I know that people who think that way are out there. I don't bring up the subjects. If someone want to banter this stuff around, I don't want to hear it. If you have "weird feelings" it's probably because you're a weird person yourself. Just shut the fuck up and we'll get along fine.


Depends. If I have to work with the guy, then yes. At work only. Otherwise, no.

@MissKathleen I live in Texas. If I complained about every thoughtless comment in the workplace, I wouldn’t have a job.

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