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Is "The political compass" reliable?

My kids seems sometimes to be a bit "red pilled" on some random things sometimes and this is her scorce of info in our latest argument. I saw some reddit posts saying it was libertarian propoganda but not much else questioning them. Anyone have knowledge of them?

MsAl 8 June 8

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Doubtful. Wikipedia has an article on the site. Anyway, I would argue that the extreme of personal freedom is anarchy.


Make peace with your brilliant adult child.....please .....that she cares so deeply for causes and has found supporters to her ideals.....Jo Jorgensen is the Libertarian 4 prez and her veep is a nutcase pal of Vermin Supreme in New Hampshire....political compass is a meeting cyberground for Anarchists leftists Libertarians Atheists at the college level debater wannabes none are practical politicians or lobbyists who want to make changes in office or on ballot referenda

Shes a teenager and she doesn't know what a libertarian is. In this case she was using the site as proof saying that Obama is an authoritarian republican.

I may have accused her of being red pilled... There is a pretty big trend of Trumpy types trying to discredit Obama and divide the left.

Shes fairly strong liberal on most stuff, mixed race bisexual lgbtqia somethigng and very opinionated about those things and social issues, and swings anti gun guys. I honestly don't know much about libertarians myself but I'm pretty confidant she is not one.

She is very opinionated though. We debate and discuss thing alot and she hands me my ass as often as I can prove her wrong.

Anyway I am just trying to figure out about the legitimacy of the site. it seems sketchy but I don't really know about it.

@MsAl good mom good daughter....Obama is an authoritarian liberal republican and represents the center in fascist amerikkka only Bernie talks left but always votes center military war crimes....unity behind Obama is a joke .....Obama opposed marriage equality and always spoke for the civil union law of Vermont....kept Gates holdover from the Bush Crime families at the Pentagon....your daughter is 100% correct about Obama and would be considered a left Libertarian separate from the free market deregulatory Libertarians

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