Facebook confirms they are sponsoring Trump's Rethuglican Convention. WTF!!!!!
Good, now that it's public maybe many will protest or even drop FB. I for one, will be making comments about this when I sign on.
Yeah Fuckerberg just wants to promote “open dialogue “. Wish everyone would delete their Fakebook page!!!
Could be the begining of the end.
@Fernapple I hope so! I’m so sick of assholes like fuckerberg, who make money on exploiting others with a platform he stole from people he was supposed to be helping!
@Redheadedgammy And a really bad platform at that. I mean why do people think that cluncky ugly complicated site is fun, some people grouch about this site not working as they like, but its a dream compared to face book. And fuckerbook clearly wants to take over the web and make it his own domain.
@Fernapple Fuckerberg has delusions of grandeur about himself and what he has to offer the world. As far as I’m concerned the world could do much better with less people like that asshole in it.