At least gay people are REAL.
Much unlike Franklin Graham's god, religion, and "holy" book.
Oh yeah, and his persecution complex.
He can kiss my fat, dimpled ass.
@KKgator Now now "Thou shalt not lead in to temptation"
@LenHazell53 The temptation to ram a bible up his fundament and some brains into his skull is almost too strong to resist.
Evangelist Franklin Graham is an arrogant, narcissistic, ignorant, fool and is offensive to normal, rational human beings.
He reminds many of us of Drumpf.
@praytothemilkjug That's because Trump is exactly the same description.
If your eyes offend you pluck it out! dumbass
Careful. The offensive "eye" in Graham's view are gays. They are attempting to "pluck" it out. What Grsham misses is that he and Christians don't own all of society and that gay people have all the same individual and civil rights Christians do.
Evangelicals miss a LOT of things.
The things they don't miss, they twist.
And the things they don't twist, they ignore.
Was Franklin ever unruly? Then Billy should have had him stoned to death.
That's in the Old Testament also.
Of course, what do you expect from people who wear an instrument of torture around their necks?
@HumanistJohn - Agreed. I have no love and diminishing tolerance for those like Graham. They are bullies while claiming to be victims; claiming to be defending rights while violating them. As bad and smarmy as the first generation was, this next generation is worse. They are far more political than religious.
Yeah Damnable rainbows, so offensive. Obviously comes from the devil
Genesis 9
And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."
Mrs Betty Bowers talks about evangelicals.
She even mentions Franklin.
That was amazing, I almost laughed. I have no doubt about truth in it, I hate that it IS true, here in the USA.
the first time I saw Lenny Henry as CHEF, on PBS I did not laugh. He was frighteningly close to real. I had to loosen quite a bit to take it as humor. Then it was a romp.
These people steal from us and piss on us. just say'n.
I encourage you o watch her other videos, especially "Evangelicals breaking up with jesus".
I never fly the US flag and if I did it would be upside down. People like Graham should do like they tell others who find their propaganda offensive, don't look. Now is the time for these hypocrites to practice what they preach.
Funny you should say that, during the Bush and now the Trump years, I always stick my postage stamps upside down! Hoping someone will get the message!
Practice what they preach?
What they need to do is to read their little holy book without their god glasses on.
They will make excuses for all the horrendous things that their god supposedly did or commanded.
Like go into this town and kill everything except the girl virgins. Keep them for yourselves (we know where that's headed).
@Justme43 I've also don't that. Once, on San Juan Island I noticed a guy with a flag being flown upside down and backwards. I'm surprised there hasn't been another 'flag protection' move by the conservatives this period. Seems one always comes along every ten years or so.
. Can’t do that with this one. Best I can do!
@Justme43 Nice try, though.
He should take his attitude and shove somewhere the sun doesn't shine.
I am offended by pushy theists, but no-one has a right not to be offended. So suck it up Franklin Graham
Religion has always been a hiding place for racists.
It's Ok for Trump to wave the rainbow gay flag just before the election. It's not Ok for me to be told about God's promise of Noah rainbow story, a promise not to destroy the earth. As it's an excuse for a horrible natural environment practice and too dumb to do much about it.
Evangelism is repulsive to me. Yet I let them gain their millions and I don't proclaim them as offensive. One amazing author once wrote about a character that was refused communion. She asked Jesus why she was rejected. He replied, don't feel bad, I haven't been allowed in there for years.
I was a Christian for 30 years. One of the biggest advantages of deconversion is to not give a shit what anyone else is doing and just focus on improving myself. Who am I to say something bad about what anyone else is doing if it’s not directly hurting me.