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LINK Ex-US Police Officer debunks 'Black Lives Matter', taking a knee & protests - Brandon Tatum - BQ #19 - YouTube

I don't know anything about this gentleman apart form he is an ex-US police officer, but he seems to have a balanced view on BLM protests.

Jetty 7 June 13

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It is not disrespectful to protest the injustices of an oppressive and unfair system.

He is too stupid to realize that even though he won't "take a knee", he has bowed his knees and taken it up the ass.

Lucky him, having never experienced racism in America, is he the poster child for peaceful cops?

@Fred_Snerd Yes, I love John Carpenter, also, much like Cypher justifying his decision to betray his friends and re-enter the Matrix.

@Fred_Snerd in this case being an elitist is also being stupid.


He is to smart and makes to much sense to be taken seriously by the people that should .


Every time an articulate black individual states Legitimate facts and statistics and does not spout racist and inflammatory remarks he is labeled a traitor by his own people including the pathetic individuals with white guilt syndrome.But what do you expect when a Criminal ,dishonest Illiterate bottom feeder like Reverend Al Sharpton is the one they look up to .

Calling Al Sharpton a reverend is like calling Jeffrey Dahmer a chef.

So out of touch reality. You must be an old white guy. Lol. White privilege is not a good look anymore.

@t1nick Really tired of the “let’s hate white people because of white Privilege BULLSHIT” .As a social worker I come across plenty of super poor white people who can’t get jobs because the incentive programs for companies are built for minorities .


Talk about a disappointment. You work in New Mexico and you deny white privilege exists. Yes there are poor whites, but even being poor they do not have to deal with the same barriers and obstacles as most minorities.

New Mexico, being one of the few states that have more minorities than whites, it's only natural that programs are developed targeting these populations. I grew up poor, and I've worked in this state for a quarter of a Century. New Mexico is not a good example of what is happening across the rest of the Nation.

I've lived in Santa Fe and I've lived on the reservation. Ive worked in Taos and at Las Alamos. I've taught in the Native American communities for over 20 years. I too have seen how society treats minorities from the inside. New Mexico is also unique in the sense that it is a confluence of colonizing cultures. More than any other state the Hispanic culture has more influence here than anywhere else in the country. The Native cultures are one of the few places that were allowed to remain on the historical land and are more cohesive than tribes in other states. The whites that come here for a multitude of reasons. But due to the popularity of Sanra Fe, Taos, Las Alamos, and Ruidiso, the top 10% come here and drive up the standard of living for all others. Believe, I know I taught in Santa Fe for 16 years. Conversely, it is also a destination for people seeking alternative lifestyles that doan the socioeconomic spectrum. Watrous is not a good example of what is happening across the rest of the state.

Denial of the existence and impact of white privilege is closing your eyes to the real realities that exist today. The evidence is overwhelming. White privilege does not necessarily mean that whites get financial advantages only. It's about a composite of policies that differentially impact groups. From redlining in housing, it's about differences in how law enforcement decide to enforce laws and deciding who and how to arrest. It's about minorities having to answer more questions and provide more solvency than whites when it comes to the banking and financial systems than their white counterparts applying for the loans. It's about a judicial system and incarceration system that distribute justice unequally creating an incarceration culture.

@t1nick First of all why the hell do you think my comment is only referring to my present place of employment . I was originally employed in a civil service position in NY and various other parts of the U.S. But you based your narrative on an assumption .Not unusual for a a person such as yourself.


Then you should, more than anybody else know the disparity between the white culture and minorities. Even more of a disappointment.

@t1nick spare me your white privileged crap .I don’t want annoying jerks like you telling me I am a victim .To quote Malcolm X ‘’The worst enemy the negro has Is the white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth Professing to love Negroes and calling himself a LIBERAL .And it is following these white liberals that has perpetrated problems that the negroes have .

@bebe12 well said.

@tiredofthis1 Excellent Quote .


I hear you and understand you do not want to be percieved as a victim. I appreciate that. I don't think anybody wants to be portrayed or percieved as a victim. But in many ways you are a minority among minorities. There is a systemic problem not only for blacks, but for Hispanics. Native Americans, LGBTQ and women.

It has been part of the fabric of our society since its inception. Are you going to begrudge those who would seek to change that dynamic, regardless of race. It is true, liberal politicians have taken minorities for granted. Used them to get ahead and gave nothing in return.

Part of the reason for that is the culture of white exclusion held the power. Now their is an opportunity for many underresented groups to wrest some of power from the privileged few and determine their own future. Is that so wrong.

I have been a teacher in the Native American community for 22 years. I am not new to this fight. I have put in my time and have been a voice for equality for marginalized peoples for two years on this site. Often times I was the only voice. So I take your admonishment and hear your complaint, but plan to continue the fight regardless.


Check the credibility of your sources.

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy.

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The Sun is published by the News Group Newspapers division of News UK, itself a wholly owned subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. The paper generates revenue through advertising, newsstand sales and subscriptions.

Analysis / Bias

In review, The Sun is a classic trashy tabloid that features celebrity gossip, current events and right leaning news stories. There is significant use of loaded sensational headlines such as this: SPREADING LIES Trolls are claiming Meghan Markle’s pregnancy is ‘fake’ in outrageous conspiracy theory. Politically, the paper has endorsed conservatives since 2010. In general, the paper publishes sensationalized misleading stories with a right wing bias.

A factual search reveals numerous failed fact checks.

Overall, we rate The Sun Right Biased based on story selection and political affiliation that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to overly sensationalized headlines and numerous failed fact checks. (6/19/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 4/07/2019)


t1nick Level 8 June 13, 2020


Get out more. The Archie Bunker routine doesn't play anymore.


@Jetty I watched several minutes of it, that was enough to see that he was the typical black conservative, which I see as traitors to their race.

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