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While we are going through this time of widespread unrest, it would be nice for people to consider refraining from shooting off fireworks. Every single night now for weeks, I don't know whether we're celebrating something or under siege. Quiet, please.

Amzungu 8 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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But it's less than 3 weeks to July 4th. These guys need to practice.

Petter Level 9 June 17, 2020

Come on, lets blow up something for .... Murica. Maybe a few digits or an eye?

That was my son's response, too.


Don't like it either, very stupid

bobwjr Level 10 June 15, 2020

I agree.. I heard explosions that sound like gunshots! Not the time for this...

My thoughts exactly.


Hmm... I wouldn't like that either.

Athena Level 8 June 15, 2020

Since there is so much corn around you, maybe they're making popcorn.


There's nothing to celebrate this year. When Trump is gone, I'll have a giant party!

I can relate to that sentiment!

@Amzungu You're invited!

@Amzungu And I'll bring bananas for your friend!

@PondartIncbendog I will most definitely be celebrating with you.

@Amzungu Great! We'll have bananas and Tang.

@PondartIncbendog Sounds like a party to me!

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