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Why some people will not believe the facts.


MsHoliday 8 June 17

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Interesting and enlightening read and I totally agree. We really need to stop letting our emotional hearts do our thinking and start using the rational part of our brains. Of couose easy to say. I was surprised Washington's teeth had lead.

I have a cognitive failure: I cannot understand why people reject facts, however uncomfortable they may be. My mortality is a fact and while my emotional reaction to that fact may vary slightly over time I nevertheless accept it. Moreover, I think it foolish to reject the fact, due in part because acceptance of it allows me to better plan my life.

@anglophone Problem is there are facts and there are facts. Depends on who is receiving, who is sending and how do the facts apply. Facts are not always straightforward and it takes a true reasonable mind to accept what is true or not.My late partner was the most reason based person I or people who knew her ever met. However, it was sometimes a balancing act. If there was an event she really wanted to go to (like a dance - Abby road came here once a year and she loved the Beatles) but she knew the next day she would be out with a headache. So what was planned for the next day and was she willing to go through the pain. Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

@JackPedigo I see that as your late partner as embracing facts (s/he knew the consequences) while also embracing his/her own personal values (which are themselves also facts).


"You are welcome to your own opinion, but what you are not welcome to are your own facts." Winston Churchill

t1nick Level 8 June 17, 2020

Not unusual with some groups

bobwjr Level 10 June 17, 2020

Well done but most christians don't even read their Bible much less something that long .


Simplification is great, but the average person probably stopped after the third or fourth panel. But this is why I don’t spend hours arguing facts with people who have no interest in learning, just posting expletives and garbage fantasy back in response.
This is also why religion can only be gotten rid of by introspection, not logical argument. You are rarely going to talk someone out of their lifetime beliefs.


That was an interesting read. I will now be more aware of this backfire effect in my thinking.😉

I see the backfire effect every time I present a religious fundamentalist with relevant facts. The amygdala shuts down the pre-frontal cortex every time because they become massively stressed by facts that are at odds with their preconceptions.

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