Chief Justice John Roberts was the swing vote in the 5-4 decision, which deals a big legal defeat to President Donald Trump on the issue of immigration.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that the Trump administration cannot carry out its plan to shut down the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which has allowed nearly 800,000 young people, known as "Dreamers," to avoid deportation and remain in the U.S.
Essentially, the Chief Justice Roberts told the Trump regime that they had been so sloppy in pursuing the case that there was no way to consider their position. Supposedly, the case cannot be revisited before November, when everything may look different.
The practice of governing by Executive Fiat is shaky. Obama instituted this (which I agree with) by executive order, but trump instituted Kids In Cages in the same way. It will be nerve-wracking to watch what comes along next.
Roberts, while a "conservative" seems to have taken his position seriously, I suspect the realization of what he is charged with, upholding the constitution and rulings by previous courts, would weigh on someone in his position.