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Wow! " the Southeastern Conference threatened not to hold future college sports championships in Mississippi unless the state removed the Confederate battle emblem from its flag." A pretty bold move in my opinion. I'm all for ending racism but having a state change its flag?
What do you think and why?

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lerlo 8 June 19

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Should we remove Mosques because Muhammad was a slave trader ?

Is that supposed to be analogous somehow?


This is bullshit .This type of thing should be decided by the people of the state in a State election .If that’s what they decide, then it should be done .

@richiegtt Makes sense to me.

As I mentioned below, it wasnt said how it had to be accomplished, just that it had to be to get any college championship games.
In Arizona originally they voted down Martin Luther King Day. But then they couldn't get the super bowl so what do you know Arizona now celebrates Martin Luther King Day


A pretty bold move in my opinion .I’m all for ending racism but having a state change it’s flag?,For these people , I do NOT think so .

juli15 Level 7 June 19, 2020

Ha .I like your answer

@juli15 ok I'll bite, who are "these" people?

@lerlo The Southeastern conference .Who the heck do you think I mean .Is this not what your post is about.If the flag is going to be changed, it should be by a state wide election .

@juli15 "These people" didnt say how it had to be done , just that it had to be done


No state should be threatened to do anything by anybody .

granny Level 6 June 19, 2020

@granny Of course you are correct.

@granny You mean like the threat trump undoubtedly made to Tulsa's Mayor? 🙂
It's pretty much like the free market economy, and boycotts, if you want college championship games you won't have a flag offensive to some. No threat, just the facts m'am. State's choice

@lerlo Don’t throw trump at me .Oh,you just ASSUME I agree with him on that matter because I disagree on this matter .You don’t know what the hell you are talking thing about .

@granny show me where I said you agree with said no one should threaten a state--you know trump did to get them to lift the curfew. Is that threat ok? It threatens the whole state


Yeah ,they should replace it with flag that has Al Sharptons face on it .

Maybe the face of that disgusting racist will appease those morons.


History should not be erased but learned from.

Under that logic people should still be wearing white robes and hoods and Nazi flags should be flying.

@lerlo What the heck does your ridiculous reply have to do with learning from history .YOU have a poll but only want it to go your way I see .

On the other hand, the flag is an affront to every Black person. It celebrates the Southern rebellion against the U.S. in the name of keeping African Americans enslaved. The flag itself is an erasure of history.

@HarrySlick Exactly

@becketb then I guess you like Nazi flags and White hoods. and apparently you've never suffered any discrimination. You don't really understand it until you've been through it. the purpose of the site is for back and forth, if you don't like the back and forth then don't enter into the discussion.

@lerlo I see it didn’t go your way did it .Ha

@becketb since I voted that they should change their flag it went exactly my way nice try


Why did they put that treasonous shit on their flag to start with? Yeah, change it.

it's who they are

@lerlo Yes, it is. Time to change!

@lerlo Maybe--but, unless they're willing to stand up and defend the'd be best to consider that flag represents ''who they were."

@LucyLoohoo as I'm sure you're aware many of them are willing.

@lerlo Sadly, yes. Parts of my culture there are still struggling to end "THE WAR"....and the economic devastation it brought. It's a terrible thing.

AND YET....Southerners can be the kindest, gentlest, most loving people you can imagine. I know because I was lucky enough to have them as family.


It's time to dump the "Sacred Cause" and recognize we're not living in Dixie any longer! What a terrible insult to all people of color who have to live there! They need to bring down the one over their Capitol....NOW!

Good point. You convinced me.

@lerlo Half of my family is firmly rooted in the South. We lost many men (on both sides) to the Civil War and lived through the punitive ''recovery'' as an impoverished family in an impoverished region. I don't know anyone in the family who would defend the ''stars & bars'' today.

In my's become a ''tribal'' thing.

@LucyLoohoo My whole family is: NC, SC, VA. Our losses were Confederate, though none of my ancestors owned slaves.

@CarolinaGirl60 Then, possibly you'll agree with me that this clinging to horrible history is counter-productive, painful to everyone of color who lives there and is only harmful to everyone.

@LucyLoohoo I do agree. I have actual relatives who wear and fly the rebel flag but really don’t know the history. Much like Xtians with no knowledge of church history, they follow blindly along, oblivious to the damage.

@CarolinaGirl60 Perfect example of ''tribalism'''s who we are and have always been and my ancestors wore this flag, etc. There's that romantic image of ''the CAUSE" for which they fought and the broken, dead warrior who never returned. (We have several of those in my family...and it's sad.) We humans have always searched for someone/some group of other people to ''look down on.''

Makes me angry and sad.

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