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Just heard about this woman and her courses. The trailer is great not so much in what it says but what it implies (of course a certain person would never understand but most (educated) people know just what she’s saying.

Too often people are so concentrated on removing a person and/or his team we forget what we want to replace that person.
JackPedigo 9 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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She has been around forever. One of the foremost Presidential historians.

t1nick Level 8 June 20, 2020

So I would imagine she was involved in rating tRump as the worst president ever.


I have seen her interviewed many times and am always impressed with her knowledge and professionalism.


I like Heather Cox Richardson also.

Are you into history?

@JackPedigo Oh Yes!!

@silverotter11 Something new for me. Any particular period or place?

@JackPedigo American history mostly 1840's to the present. The early history behind the Constitution and the many Amendments as they relate to current events is some fun reading. Water law in the west is entertaining

@silverotter11 I do remember some of our conversations about water law. Interesting and complex subject.


Doris Kearns Goodwin is probably the most famous historian in the United States.

barjoe Level 9 June 20, 2020

Funny, I don't remember hearing of her. I always thought Barbara Tuchman was the most famous.

@JackPedigo Barbara Tuchman is highly renown but as far as name recognition it's not even close. Doris Kearns Goodwin is a household word. She was White House historian during LBJ administration. She was even a beat writer for the Red Sox back in 70s. I believe she was the first girl reporter to be allowed in locker room

@barjoe For those interesting in history. I have an undergraduate degree in European history and might have heard of her. But it doesn't ring a bell. + I don't read a lot of history books of late.

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