Fear....what is the target group on media>>???Why although we are living in the most advanced century of mankind....Fear is spread? Does fear has to do with what we called mother language? Why we called mammals and not testicles>>>???Why women haven't realized yet that they are the target group in every of this attacks...? Illegally attacked in uncivilized societies but also attacked in
Find the link and win a trip to the human jingle jungle with no return
"Why we called mammals and not testicles? Because we all don't have testicles. Only about twenty percent. LOL!!!
nope...the term mammal comes from the word mamma or breast.. Hence we are called after the woman reproductive system not the male one. So if you control women you are actually control the education of the next generation. Am I right or wrong on that? Check all aggressive political system how desperately trying to keep women uneducated so they can control the future generations
Word salad
sure....go eat some baby food that you can process easier